assignment | n 1. task or mission assigned, tugas khas; (to college or university students etc) tugasan: his most important ~ was to cover the war in the Middle East, tugas khasnya yg paling penting ialah membuat liputan ttg peperangan di Timur Tengah; she set her students too many ~s, dia memberikan tugasan yg terlalu banyak kpd penuntutnya; 2. position, post assigned to person, jawatan: to take up an ~, mula memegang jawatan; 3. act of, a. (appointing) penugasan: his ~ to the case did not meet with universal approval, penugasannya kpd kes itu tdk mendapat persetujuan ramai; b. (allotting task, problem, etc) pemberian, penyerahan; c. (alleging st as reason, cause) mengatakan; d. (leg.) transfer of claim, right, etc, penyerahan hak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
force | ~ st up, (price), (act.) menyebabkan [harga] naik, menaikkan [harga]; (pass.) [harga] naik: the government ~d up the price of tobacco, kerajaan menaikkan harga tembakau; petrol prices were ~d up by the crisis in the Middle East, harga minyak naik krn krisis di Timur Tengah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crisis | n 1. time of great danger or difficulty, krisis; (political) kemelut, krisis: he adopted a new life-style as a result of a midlife ~, dia mengamalkan cara hidup baru akibat krisis pertengahan umur; a financial ~, krisis kewangan; the Middle East situation has reached the point of ~, keadaan di Timur Tengah telah sampai ke tahap kemelut; 2. (pathol) saat genting, kemelut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brew | vi 1. under go process of brewing, (of beer) membru; (of tea) kembang; (of coffee), (menjadi) mesra: beer smells strongly while ~ing, bir berbau keras semasa dibru; he let the tea ~ for a few more minutes, dia membiarkan daun teh itu kembang selama beberapa minit lagi; don’t go yet, the coffee has not ~ed, jangan pergi dahulu, kopi belum mesra; 2. be impending, bergelora; (of trouble, crisis, etc) bergolak: a storm is ~ing in the west, ribut sedang bergelora di sebelah barat; trouble is ~ing in the Middle East, kekacauan sedang bergolak di Timur Tengah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |