blanket | adj menyeluruh: a ~ agreement, perjanjian yg menyeluruh; ~ instructions, arahan-arahan yg menyeluruh; a ~ insurance policy, polisi insurans yg menyeluruh; n 1. bed-covering, selimut, gebar; 2. covering layer, liputan, litupan: a ~ of snow, liputan salji; a ~ of leaves, liputan daun-daunan; 3. st that covers or encloses, yg /menyelubungi, mengelubungi/ sst: a ~ of gloom, kemuraman yg menyelubungi suasana; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
instruction | n 1. (usu in pl) direction, order, arahan: we await your ~s, kami menunggu arahan tuan; he acted in accordance with the ~s given him, dia bertindak mengikut arahan yg diberikan kepadanya; 2. (computer technology) command, arahan; 3. (in pl) detailed information on how to use or do st, arahan: you must read the ~s carefully, kamu mesti membaca arahan itu betul-betul; ~ book, buku arahan; 4. a. process of teaching, pengajaran; b. teaching given, ajaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
direction | 6. (in pl)instructions, arahan: ~s about putting the parts together, arahan utk memasang bahagian-bahagian itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ beyond, a. walk, run, etc, further than, melewati, melampaui: do not ~ beyond the white line, jangan melampaui garisan putih itu; b. take action more than what is allowed, melewati, melampaui: the officer went beyond his powers by issuing those instructions, pegawai itu telah melewati kuasanya dgn mengeluarkan arahan-arahan itu; ~ beyond a joke, bukan lagi gurauan; ~ beyond /expectation, reason, etc/, di luar /jangkaan, dugaan/: the success of the experiment went beyond his dreams, kejayaan eksperimen itu adalah di luar jangkaannya; ~ beyond the call of duty, berkhidmat melampaui tugas-tugas biasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
definite | adj 1. clear, positive, pasti: a ~ answer, jawapan yg pasti; a ~ opinion, pendapat yg pasti; is it ~ that he’s leaving?, sudah pasti dia akan pergi?; 2. precise, (telah) /ditentukan, ditetapkan/: ~ duties, tugas-tugas yg telah ditentukan; at a ~ time and place, pd waktu dan tempat yg telah ditentukan; ~ instructions, arahan-arahan yg telah ditentukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brief | vt 1. instruct by briefing, memberikan taklimat kpd sso, memberi sso taklimat: the chairman will ~ the board on the recent development, pengerusi akan memberikan taklimat kpd lembaga ttg perkembangan mutakhir; pilots were ~ed before each flight, juruterbang diberi taklimat setiap kali sebelum penerbangan; 2. (a barrister) memberi [sso] arahan, memberikan arahan kpd, mengarahkan: I’ve been ~ed to defend the accused, saya diberi arahan utk membela yg dituduh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
confusing | adj mengelirukan: ~ instructions, arahan yg mengelirukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disobey | vi mengingkari + approp n: he dared to ~, dia berani mengingkari arahan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ forth, (fml) be issued, dikeluarkan: the order to evict him went ~, arahan supaya dia diusir telah dikeluarkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
express | adj 1. (fml) a. clearly stated, jelas: she gave ~ instructions to lock the door, dia memberikan arahan yg nyata supaya mengunci pintu; b. specific, khusus: I came here with the ~ intention of seeing you, saya datang ke sini dgn niat khusus hendak berjumpa dgn kamu; 2. designed for rapid transportation or service, a. (bus, train) eskpres; b. (mail) laju; c. (delivery, service) cepat; d. (messenger) cepat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |