damning | adj menjahanamkan: the prosecution brought forward ~ evidence, pihak pendakwa mengemukakan bukti-bukti yg menjahanamkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
correlate | vt menghubungkaitkan; (math & phys) mengkorelasikan: to ~ the evidence, menghubungkaitkan bukti-bukti itu; psychologists often ~ physical health with emotional well-being, ahli psikologi sering menghubungkaitkan kesihatan fisikal dgn kesejahteraan emosi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accumulation | 4. accumulated mass, a. (of st amassed) terkumpul: an ~ of wealth, kekayaan yg terkumpul; an ~ of knowledge, ilmu pengetahuan yg terkumpul; b. (of st collected) himpunan, terkumpul: an ~ of evidence, bukti-bukti yg terkumpul; an ~ of books, himpunan buku; c. (of st that has collected) terkumpul: the winter’s ~ of snow, salji yg terkumpul pd musim sejuk; an ~ of leaves in the gutter, daun-daun yg terkumpul di dlm talang; d. (of st heaped) timbunan, longgokan; 5. (econ) pengumpulan: ~ of capital, pengumpulan modal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bolster | vt also ~ up, 1. support with a pillow, menyandarkan [sso] pd bantal: the patient sat ~ed up in his bed, pesakit itu duduk di katilnya tersandar pd bantal; 2. (fig.), (support) menyokong, menunjang; (strengthen) memperkuat, memperkukuh: the new evidence ~ed his argument, bukti-bukti yg baru itu memperkuat hujahnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
evidence | n 1. st that gives proof or reason to believe st, bukti: there is no archaelogical ~ for the existence of a separate culture, tdk terdapat bukti arkeologi bahawa kebudayaan yg berasingan wujud;everywhere we went, we saw ~ that the country was undergoing rapid change, ke mana-mana sahaja kami pergi, kami melihat bukti bahawa negara itu sedang mengalami perubahan yg pesat; 2. (tech) keterangan: he was convicted on strong circumstantial ~, dia disabitkan atas keterangan ikut keadaan yg kuat; the accused will give ~ today, yg tertuduh akan memberikan keterangan hari ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
credential | n 1. st testifying to person’s qualifications etc, bukti kelayakan: a scholar’s publications are his ~s, penerbitan yg dihasilkan oleh seseorang sarjana itu merupakan bukti kelayakannya; 2. (in pl) surat tauliah, (surat) watikah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collapse | vi 1. fall down or in, runtuh, roboh: the buildings ~d during the earthquake, bangunan-bangunan itu runtuh semasa gempa bumi; 2. fall or fail suddenly, a. (of price, market, business enterprise, etc) jatuh: the price of wool ~d during the, Depression, harga bulu biri-biri jatuh semasa Zaman Kemelesetan; b. (of project, plan, peace talk, etc) gagal: the project ~d because of financial difficulties, projek itu gagal oleh sebab kesulitan kewangan; c. (of argument, story, opposition, etc) terhapus: with the presentation of new evidence, the arguments he had put forward ~d; dgn bukti-bukti yg dikemukakan itu, hujah-hujah yg diutarakannya terhapus; d. (of marriage) runtuh, musnah, hancur; e. (of hopes) hancur, musnah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clue | n 1. piece of evidence used by the police etc to solve a mystery, bukti: the police have found a ~ to the murder, polis telah mendapat bukti berkaitan dgn pembunuhan itu; 2. any information, evidence that helps one to solve a problem, mystery, etc, kunci: the ~ to solving our shortage of skilled labour lies in training programme, kunci utk menyelesaikan masalah kekurangan tenaga kerja mahir kita terletak dlm rancangan latihan; please give me another ~, tolong beri saya satu kunci lagi; 3. (in crossword) petunjuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attest | vt 1. affirm the correctness, truth of, mengakui; 2. (leg.) mengaku saksi; 3. be proof of, demonstrate, membuktikan, menjadi bukti: the ruins ~ the greatness of Rome,reruntuhan itu menjadi bukti keagungan Rom; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
external evidence | n bukti luaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |