Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

long-distanceadj jarak jauh: a ~ runner needs plenty of stamina, pelari jarak jauh memerlukan banyak stamina; a ~ telephone call, panggilan telefon jarak jauh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
long-distanceadv (of telephone call), [membuat] panggilan jarak jauh: she called her mother ~ from London to inform her of her arrival time, dia membuat panggilan jarak jauh kpd ibunya dr London utk memberitahu ttg waktu ketibaannya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
carryvi 1. be transmitted, dapat didengar: his voice does not ~, suaranya tdk dapat didengar; 2. (of gun) boleh menembak: guns that ~ far, senapang yg boleh menembak (jarak) jauh; 3. (of missile) dapat ditembakkan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
long-rangeadj 1. extending far into the future, jangka panjang: it is difficult to make ~ plans, sukar membuat rancangan jangka panjang; a ~ weather forecast, ramalan cuaca jangka panjang; 2. (of vehicle, weapon, etc) able to travel vast distances or hit distant target, jarak jauh: ~ missiles, peluru berpandu jarak jauh.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
reckon~ with /so., st/, memperhitungkan /sso, sst/: the nation’s political climate had to be watched and ~ed with, iklim politik di negara itu mesti diperhatikan dan diperhitungkan; a ... to be ~ed with, ... yg disegani: my father was a long-distance runner to be ~ with, ayah saya seorang pelari jarak jauh yg disegani;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
distancen 1. length of space between two points, jarak: measure the ~ between point A and point B, ukur jarak antara titik A dan titik B; the ~ between a person’s eyes, jarak antara mata sso; the ~ between the two towns is 42 kilometres, jarak antara kedua-dua bandar itu ialah 42 kilometer; long - ~ runner, pelari jarak jauh; 2. space of time, /jangka, jarak/ /waktu, masa/: he looked back over a ~ of 25 years, dia memandang ke belakang ke jangka waktu lebih 25 tahun; 3. state of being distant, dr jauh: ~ lends enchantment to the view, dr jauh pemandangan itu kelihatan sangat indah; 4. route, course, sepanjang jarak: he ran the ~ in record-breaking time, dia berlari sepanjang jarak itu dlm masa yg memecahkan rekod; 5. reserve, unfriendliness, kerenggangan, hubungan renggang: there is a great ~ between the two cousins, hubungan antara kedua-dua sepupu itu amat renggang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
distanceat a ~, dr jauh; (when specified) dr jarak: the noise of the machinery could be heard at a ~ of one kilometre, bunyi bising mesin itu dapat didengar dr jarak satu kilometer; be /a considerable, quite a, some/ ~ (from), (agak) jauh: the post office is quite a ~ from here, pejabat pos itu agak jauh dr sini; for a ~ of, sejauh: the river is navigable for a ~ of 100 miles, sungai itu boleh dilalui sejauh 100 batu; from a ~, dr jauh; (when the distance is specified) dr jarak: he observed her from a ~, dia memerhatinya dr jauh; the house can be seen from a ~ of 50 metres, rumah itu dapat dilihat dr jarak 50 meter; go the ~, approp v + sehingga tamat: he is taking part in the cross-country but I doubt if he will go the ~, dia akan mengambil bahagian dlm acara rentas desa tetapi saya tdk yakin dia boleh meneruskan larian sehingga tamat; in the ~, di kejauhan: they heard the sound of thunder in the ~, mereka terdengar bunyi guruh di kejauhan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hubbubn confused noise, bunyi bising, keriuhan: the ~ of voices was heard from some distance away, keriuhan suara kedengaran dr jarak yg agak jauh; the ~ of city streets, bunyi bising di jalan-jalan kota.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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