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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

awayadv 1. distant, a. (in space), (jauhnya) dr /sini, situ, tempat ini, tempat itu/: our house is two kilometres ~, rumah kami dua kilometer jauhnya dr sini; I can’t wait to get ~, saya tak sabar utk pergi dr sini; b. (in time) lagi: his sixtieth birthday is only a month ~, hari jadinya yg keenam puluh hanya sebulan lagi; 2. (foll by adv) a. in the distance, jauh: we could see the enemy positions ~ over to our right, kami dapat melihat kedudukan musuh jauh di sebelah kanan kami; he lives ~ on the other side of the river, dia tinggal jauh di sebelah sana sungai; b. in the past, dulu, dahulu: ~ back in the tenth century..., dlm abad kesepuluh dulu...; 3. absent, tdk ada: the boss was ~ yesterday, ketua tdk ada semalam; she’s ~ at a conference, dia tdk ada krn menghadiri persidangan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
away~ from, a. (rel to distance), (jauhnya) dari; (described in terms of time taken to get to place referred to) perjalanan dr: the airport is only five kilometres ~ from my office, lapangan terbang itu hanya lima kilometer dari rumah saya; we are only half an hour ~ from Seremban, rumah kami hanya setengah jam perjalanan dr Seremban; b. (rel to time), [n] lagi dr: the general elections are a year ~ from the time of writing, pilihan raya umum setahun lagi dr waktu rencana ini ditulis; c. (rel to action), (so as to be further from a particular place) meninggalkan: he turned abruptly and walked ~ from our table, dia tiba-tiba berpusing lalu berjalan meninggalkan meja kami; d. absent from, (home) tdk tinggal di [rumah]; (school) tdk /hadir di, ke/ [sekolah]: the children are ~ from home at a boarding school, anak-anak saya tdk tinggal di rumah tetapi tinggal di sekolah berasrama; he’ll be ~ from school for at least three days, dia tdk akan hadir di sekolah sekurang-kurangnya tiga hari;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
unimaginablyadv tdk dapat dibayangkan: planets ~ far from the Earth, planet-planet yg jauhnya dr Bumi tdk dapat dibayangkan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
tramp2. go on foot, berjalan kaki: they ~ed for miles without seeing anyone, mereka berjalan kaki berbatu-batu jauhnya tanpa berjumpa dgn sesiapa pun;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
remotenessn 1. state of being secluded, keterpencilan, terpencil; 2. state of being distantly related, jauhnya; 3. aloofness, sifat suka /menyendiri, mengasingkan diri/.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
shock waven (lit. & fig.) gelombang kejutan: the ~ from the explosion was felt for miles, gelombang kejutan dr letupan itu terasa berbatu-batu jauhnya; the arrest of the stock exchange Chairman sent a ~ through the business world, penangkapan presiden bursa saham itu telah menimbulkan gelombang kejutan dlm dunia perniagaan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
block8. (US) length of such a mass of buildings, blok: the post office is two ~s away, pejabat pos itu jauhnya dua blok dr sini; 9. piece of engraved material used for printing, blok; 10. casing enclosing pulley(s) blok; 11. (sports) act of obstructing, pengadangan; 12. st which prevents the free flow of water etc, tersumbat: there was a ~ in one of the pipes, salah satu antara paip itu tersumbat; 13. (pathol) sekatan: heart- ~, sekatan jantung; 14. (psychol) kebuntuan: mental ~, kebuntuan mental;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
trailvt 1. follow the trail of, track, menjejaki: they ~ed the deer for miles, mereka menjejaki rusa itu berbatu-batu jauhnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
sprawl 2. spread untidily over a wide area, berselerak, bertabur-tabur: the city ~s for miles in every direction, bandar itu berselerak berbatu-batu jauhnya ke semua arah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
wind2~ up, akhirnya: we took a wrong turning and wound up miles from our destination, kami salah belok dan akhirnya kami berada berbatu-batu jauhnya dr destinasi kami; ~ so. up, (colloq) annoy, menjengkelkan: he is always ~ing his brother up, dia selalu menjengkelkan adiknya; ~ st up, a. move st upwards by turning a handle etc, menaikkan sst: will you ~ up the car window?, boleh kamu naikkan cermin tingkap kereta itu?; b. bring st to an end, /menamatkan, mengakhiri/ sst: the chairman wound up the meeting early, pengerusi menamatkan mesyuarat itu awal; the referee blew his whistle to ~ up the game, pengadil itu meniup wiselnya utk menamatkan permainan; c. liquidate st, menutup sst: the company will be wound up and its assets sold, syarikat itu akan ditutup dan asetnya akan dijual; there are plans to ~ up the partnership, memang ada rancangan utk menutup perniagaan perkongsian itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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