bomb | ~ so. out, (usu pass.) menyebabkan sso kehilangan rumah dlm pengeboman: the townsfolk were ~ed out during the war, penduduk-penduduk bandar itu kehilangan rumah dlm pengeboman semasa perang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bomb-site | n (tempat) bekas pengeboman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indiscriminate | adj not discriminating, (secara) sembarangan: the ~ killing of wild life, pembunuhan sembarangan binatang liar; ~ bombing, pengeboman sembarangan; be ~ in (st, doing st) bersikap sembarangan dlm: he is ~ in his choice of friends, dia bersikap sembarangan dlm memilih kawan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forestall | vt 1. prevent by timely action, menghalang: the bombing of the airfields enabled them to ~ further attacks, pengeboman lapangan kapal terbang membolehkan mereka menghalang serangan selanjutnya; 2. anticipate, act first, mendahului, approp v + lebih dahulu: when I was about to take the seat, a lady ~ed me, sewaktu saya hendak duduk, seorang wanita mendahului saya; my question was all prepared, but Williams ~ed me, pertanyaan saya siap sedia seluruhnya, tetapi William mengajukan pertanyaan lebih dahulu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antedate | vt 1. date back, mengawalkan /tarikh, tanggal/: to ~ a letter, mengawalkan tarikh surat; 2. precede, approp v + sebelum; (of death, marriage, etc) sebelum: the Peruvian Empire ~s that of Mexico, empayar Peru wujud sebelum empayar Mexico; an event that ~s the bombing of Hiroshima, suatu peristiwa yg berlaku sebelum pengeboman Hiroshima; his death ~d his father’s by two years, dia meninggal dua tahun sebelum bapanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
desolate | vt 1. depopulate, (act.), (hampir) memupuskan penduduk; (pass.) penduduk (hampir) pupus, hampir pupus penduduknya: the plague had ~d the village, wabak penyakit hampir memupuskan penduduk di kampung itu; a country ~d by civil wars, negara yg hampir pupus penduduknya akibat perang saudara; 2. devastate, (act.) memusnahkan, membinasakan; (pass.) musnah, binasa: the city has been ~d by persistent bombardment, bandar raya itu musnah akibat pengeboman yg berterusan; 3. make forlorn, (act.) membuat [sso] /kesepian, berasa sepi/; (pass.) kesepian, berasa sepi: he was utterly ~d by his son’s death, dia kesepian disebabkan kematian anaknya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
commemorate | vt honour memory of, be in honour of, a. (of statue, monument, festival, etc) approp v + utk memperingati: a religious festival commemorating the birth of Gautama Buddha, perayaan keagamaan yg diadakan utk memperingati kelahiran Gautama Buddha; b. (of person) memperingati: today we ~ the fortieth anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, hari ini kita memperingati ulang tahun yg ke-40 pengeboman Hiroshima dan Nagasaki; a monument was built to ~ the battle, sebuah tugu dibina utk memperingati pertempuran itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | c. (fig.) destroy st, menghancurkan sst: jealousy broke up their marriage, perasaan cemburu menghancurkan perkahwinan mereka; d. disperse st, menyuraikan sst, menyebabkan /sso, sst/ (terpaksa) bersurai: the police broke up the demonstration, polis menyuraikan tunjuk perasaan itu; a noisy quarrel broke up the party, suatu pergaduhan yg hebat menyebabkan majlis itu bersurai; e. stop (a fight) menghentikan, memperhentikan: the teacher broke up the fight, guru menghentikan pergaduhan itu; ~ it up!, berhenti!; f. cause to fail, mematahkan: heavy bombing broke up the attack, pengeboman yg hebat mematahkan serangan itu; g. (a set) memecahkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |