Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : gila; ~ gajah = ~ gajah-gajahan elefantiasis, untut; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
sakit (adjektif)
1. Bersinonim dengan uzur: gering, lesu, lemah,
Berantonim dengan sihat

2. Bersinonim dengan pedih: sengal, ngilu, sebal, sebak, bengkak, kebas, nyeri, remai, bisa,
Berantonim dengan selesa

3. Bersinonim dengan seksa: sengsara, azab, derita, merana, kecewa duka, lara, susah, payah, sukar, sulit,
Berantonim dengan bahagia

Kata Terbitan : bersakit, bersakit-sakit, menyakiti, menyakitkan, kesakitan, penyakit, berpenyakit, pesakit,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

asylumn 1. (formerly termed lunatic asylum) /rumah sakit, hospital, rumah orang/ gila, rumah sakit otak; 2. place of refuge, suaka, tempat berlindung; 3. refuge, perlindungan: to seek political ~, meminta perlindungan politik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
madadj 1. insane, gila, tdk siuman: Henry became ~ and had to be put in a mental hospital, Henry jadi gila dan terpaksa dimasukkan ke rumah sakit otak; 2. extremely foolish, gila: “You want to go sailing in this bKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
inmaten so. who lives, is kept in a hospital etc, penghuni; (in a prison) banduan: three of the ~s were injured in the fire at the mental home, tiga drpd penghuni rumah sakit otak itu cedera dlm kebakaran tersebut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
illadj 1. sick, unwell, sakit, tdk sihat: you look ~, kamu kelihatan tdk sihat; /fall, be taken/ ~, jatuh sakit; feel ~, sakit, tdk sihat; be ~ with, a. (fever etc) demam: he is ~ with pneumonia, dia demam pneumonia; b. (anxiety, worry, etc) dilanda; 2. unsound, sakit: to be mentally ~, sakit otak; 3. harmful, buruk: ~ effects, kesan buruk; 4. bad, unfavourable, disastrous, tdk baik, buruk; (of fortune, luck) malang, buruk: ~ omen, petanda buruk; ~ luck, nasib malang; 5. that ascribes evil to st referred to, jahat: a man of ~ repute, lelaki yg terkenal jahat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
line 1 b. quite different, bercanggah: his ideas are out of ~ with those of his colleagues, gagasannya bercanggah dgn gagasan-gagasan rakan sekerjanya; (somewhere) along the ~, [various translations]: Maud believes that somewhere along the ~, her friend has had treatment for mental illness, Maud percaya bahawa pd suatu masa dulu, kawannya pernah mendapat rawatan sakit otak; we lost touch with one another somewhere along the ~, kami terputus hubungan antara satu sama lain entah bila masa; we had made mistakes somewhere along the ~, kita telah membuat kesilapan di mana-mana;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
line 1 b. quite different, bercanggah: his ideas are out of ~ with those of his colleagues, gagasannya bercanggah dgn gagasan-gagasan rakan sekerjanya; (somewhere) along the ~, [various translations]: Maud believes that somewhere along the ~, her friend has had treatment for mental illness, Maud percaya bahawa pd suatu masa dulu, kawannya pernah mendapat rawatan sakit otak; we lost touch with one another somewhere along the ~, kami terputus hubungan antara satu sama lain entah bila masa; we had made mistakes somewhere along the ~, kita telah membuat kesilapan di mana-mana;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
confinevt 1. limit, restrict, (act.) membatasi; (pass) terbatas: please ~ your remarks to matters you know well, tolong batasi komen kamu kpd hal-hal yg kamu tahu dgn mendalam sahaja; this belief is not ~d to any one class, kepercayaan ini tdk terbatas pd mana-mana kelas; 2. a. keep (as in a prison) mengurung: he was ~d to a mental institution, dia dikurung dlm rumah sakit otak; she left because she couldn’t stand being ~d in the office all day, dia berhenti kerja krn tdk tahan dikurung di pejabat sepanjang hari; b. keep (in some other restricted place), (act.) menyebabkan [sso] terpaksa + approp v; (pass.), [sso] terpaksa + approp v; (in bed), (act.) menyebabkan [sso] terlantar; (pass.), [sso] terlantar:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
better1be ~ off, a. be richer, lebih berada: they are ~ off than we are, mereka lebih berada drpd kami; b. be in more favourable circumstances, lebih baik (lagi): because of his illness, he would be ~ off in a warmer climate, oleh sebab penyakitnya itu, lebih baik dia tinggal di tempat yg lebih panas iklimnya; she’ll be ~ off in a mental asylum, dia lebih baik tingal di rumah sakit otak; go one ~ (than) mengatasi; had ~, lebih baik: I had ~ warn you, lebih baik saya mengingatkan kamu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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