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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata Buzzer

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

buzzern pembaz.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
buzzn 1. hum of bee(s) dengung; 2. sound of a buzzer, bunyi pembaz; 3. rumour, gossip, desas-desus;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ring 2 vi 1. emit sound (of handbell) berkelenteng, berkelenting; (of churchbells) berkeleneng; (of telephone, alarm clock) berdering; (of bicycle bell) berkring; (of buzzer) berbunyi: the telephone is ~ing. Pick it up. Telefon itu berdering. Angkatlah; 2. resound, re-echo, bergema: the room rang with their laughter, bilik itu bergema dgn gelak ketawa mereka; 3. call by means of a bell, buzzer, membunyikan + approp n (utk) + approp v: the manager rang for his secretary, pengurus itu membunyikan loceng utk memanggil setiausahanya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
buzzvt 1. (of an aircraft) fly over or close to (ship or another plane) terbang hampir dgn; 2. summon, signal with a buzzer, memanggil (sso) dgn menekan pembaz: he ~ed his secretary, dia memanggil setiausahanya dgn menekan pembaz; 3. (colloq) make a phone call to, menelefon: I’ll ~ you tomorrow, saya akan menelefon kamu esok;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
go5. make a noise, berbunyi: the bell went to signal the end of class, loceng itu berbunyi menandakan tamatnya kelas; I thought I heard the buzzer ~, saya spt terdengar pembaz berbunyi; cats ~ “miaow”, kucing berbunyi “miau”; 6. explode with a particular noise, meletup dgn bunyi: the gun went “pop”, senapang itu meletup dgn bunyi “pop”;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ring 2 n 1. sound (of handbell), (bunyi) /kelenteng, kelenting/; (of churchbells) keleneng; (of telephone, alarm clock) bunyi (ber)dering; (of bicycle bell) kring-kring; (of buzzer) bunyi pembaz; give the bell a ~, membunyikan loceng; 2. resonant and metallic sound, bunyi dentingan; 3. set of bells in a tower or belfry, peranggu loceng: a ~ of six bells, seperanggu enam loceng; 4. loud, clear sound, bunyi lantang: the ~ of the children’s happy laughter, bunyi lantang ketawa riang kanak-kanak itu; 5. expressive quality or character, nada: his statement has a ~ of sincerity, kenyataannya bernada ikhlas; there was a ~ of truth about his story, ada nada kebenaran ttg ceritanya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
press 1vt 1. a. push firmly and steadily against, menekankan: he ~ed his hand to his chest, dia menekankan tangannya pd dadanya; she ~ed a shilling into the little boy’s hand, dia menekankan sekeping duit syiling ke dlm tapak tangan budak itu; b. push firmly and steadily against, i. (button, buzzer, etc) menekan, memicit: he had to ~ the bell a number of times before they came, dia terpaksa menekan loceng itu beberapa kali sebelum mereka datang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
buzzvi 1. (of bees, machinery) make a humming or vibrating sound, berdengung: the bees ~ed in the garden, lebah-lebah berdengung di taman, 2. be filled with, berdesas-desus: the town is ~ing with the news, bandar itu berdesas-desus dgn khabar-khabar tersebut; the room ~ed with voices, bilik itu berdesas-desus dgn suara manusia; 3. make a signal with a buzzer, menekan pembaz memanggil sso: he ~ed for his secretary, dia menekan pembaz memanggil setiausahanya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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