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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

loveb. (with so.) mencintai, mengasihi, menyayangi: I’m in ~ with your sister, saya mencintai adikmu; c. (with st) suka akan: he is in ~ with life, dia suka akan kehidupannya; fall in ~, jatuh /cinta, hati/: he fell in ~ with her at first sight, dia jatuh cinta pd gadis itu pd pandang pertama; fall out of ~, tdk lagi mencintai sso: I have finally fallen out of ~ with him, akhirnya saya tdk lagi mencintainya; (just) for ~, krn berminat: he does it for ~ and isn’t interested in the money, dia melakukannya krn berminat dan bukan krn ganjaran wang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
itb. (used in questions rel to so’s identity) itu; (indic that the caller is outside the house, room, etc) di luar: who is ~?, siapa itu?; 5. (used when drawing attention to one part of sentence so as to bring it into prominence), [not translated]: ~’s you we want, not your sister, kamulah yg kami mahu, bukan adikmu; she works in Kota Tinggi; or is ~ Pontian she works in?, dia bekerja di Kota Tinggi; atau di Pontiankah dia bekerja?; 6. (used for st that is not mentioned but understood by both speaker and hearer), [various translations]: how was ~? [how was the concert], bagaimana konsert tadi?; I don’t think I can stand ~ much longer, saya rasa saya sudah tdk tahan lagi; you must like ~ there, agaknya puan seronok berada di sana;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
horridadj 1. (colloq) unpleasant, dahsyat, teruk: this is a ~ place, it’s full of ants and cockroaches, tempat ini teruk, penuh dgn semut dan lipas; (of person, person’s behaviour, etc), [various translations]: she had a ~ stepmother, dia mempunyai ibu tiri yg garang; don’t be ~ to your little sister, jangan berkasar thdp adikmu; 2. frightening, repulsive, sangat menakutkan, dahsyat: the monster had a really ~ face, rupa raksasa itu sangat menakutkan; a ~ dream, mimpi yg dahsyat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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