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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata air


Air keruh telaga keruh,
     Air di kendi membasuh kaki;
Tuan jauh saya pun jauh,
     Sama kita menahan hati.

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Air tuba dibalas dengan air susu.

Bermaksud :

Kejahatan dibalas dengan kebaikan. (Bandingkan dengan: Air susu dibalas dengan air tuba).


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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

water6. (in pl) water from mineral spring, air mata air: tourists go to Bath for the ~s, para pelancong pergi ke Bath, krn air mata airnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
waterworksturn on the ~, (colloqi) air mata merebas, menitik air mata: she turned on the ~ when I scolded her, air matanya merebas apabila saya memarahinya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
water8. a water-based mixture, potion, air: lavender ~, air lavender; tonic ~, air tonik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
recuperativeadj memulihkan + approp n: the ~ waters of the hot spring, air kolam air panas yg memulihkan penyakit.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
watersiden pinggir air; (attrib) di pinggir air: trees that grow along the ~, pokok-pokok yg tumbuh di sepanjang pinggir air; ~ chalets, calet di pinggir air.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
watermarkn 1. distinguishing mark made on paper, tera air: banknotes often have a ~, wang kertas sering kali mempunyai tera air; 2. mark showing highest, lowest level, tikas air: the tide is at the low ~, air pasang ialah pd tikas air rendah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
juice 1 n 1. a. liquid occurring naturally in fruit, plant, air, jus; b. drink made from this, jus, air; (squeezed from fruit or vegetable) perahan, air, jus: guava ~, air jambu batu; tomato ~, jus tomato; orange ~, perahan limau; 2. liquid occurring naturally in animals, jus; (of joint of meat) air: she spooned the ~s from the cooked meat, dia menceduk air dr daging yg dimasak itu dgn sudu; gastric ~, jus gaster; 3. (sl) a. petrol, minyak; b. electricity, api.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
freshwateradj air tawar: ~ fish, ikan air tawar; a ~ lake, tasik air tawar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fresh9. (of air) pure, untainted, segar, bersih: after the rain, the air in the garden was cool and ~, selepas hujan, udara di taman itu bersih; in the ~ air, di luar: food tastes better in the ~ air, makanan lebih sedap rasanya dimakan di luar; 10. not tired or faded, refreshed, segar: he felt quite ~ after the exercise, dia berasa cukup segar selepas bersenam; the grass looked ~ after the rain, rumput kelihatan segar selepas hujan; the memory of the celebrations were still ~ in my mind, kenangan semasa perayaan itu masih segar dlm ingatan; 11. (of colour) segar; 12. (of complexion) healthy, youthful, segar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
waterproofadj kalis air: the tent is ~, khemah itu kalis air; ~ cloth, kain kalis air;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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