Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : vt 1. change, mengubah: he has ~ed his way of life, dia telah mengubah cara hidupnya; 2. modify, meminda: to ~ a skirt, meminda skirt; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : vi berubah: he has ~ed since his wife died, dia sudah berubah sejak isterinya meninggal dunia; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata alter

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

altervt 1. change, mengubah: he has ~ed his way of life, dia telah mengubah cara hidupnya; 2. modify, meminda: to ~ a skirt, meminda skirt;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
altervi berubah: he has ~ed since his wife died, dia sudah berubah sejak isterinya meninggal dunia;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
alter egon alter ego.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
modifyvt 1. alter esp slightly in order to make more acceptable, mengubah suai: he has modified his ideas as new facts have come to light, dia telah mengubah suai gagasannya apabila fakta-fakta baru diketahui; the body of the VolkKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
changevt 1. alter, transform, mengubah, menukar; (person) mengubah: to ~ o’s mind, mengubah fikiran sso; to ~ o’s habit, mengubah tabiat sso; suddenly, he ~d the subject, tiba-tiba dia menukar tajuk perbualan; 2. substitute, exchange for another, menukar: he has gone to the library to ~ his book, dia ke perpustakaan utk menukar bukunya; to ~ the tyre, menukar tayar; 3. put fresh clothes, covers on, /menyalin, menukar/ + approp n: you have to ~ the baby, kamu terpaksa menyalin lampin bayi itu; 4. alight from and board another, bertukar: to ~ buses, bertukar bas; 5. give, receive (money) a. (in exchange for equivalent sum in smaller denomination) menukar; b. (in exchange for different currency) mengurup, menukar: to ~ his money to francs, mengurup wangnya kpd mata wang franc; 6. (gear) menukar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
changevi 1. alter, transform, berubah, bertukar; (of person) berubah: her feelings for him have ~d perasaannya thdp lelaki itu telah berubah; relations between the two countries have ~d for the better, perhubungan antara kedua-dua buah negara itu telah berubah menjadi bertambah baik; she’s ~d a lot, dia telah banyak berubah; 2. vary, shift, berubah-ubah: fashions ~, fesyen berubah-ubah; 3. (of traffic lights) bertukar warna: I’m waiting for the lights to ~, saya menunggu lampu isyarat bertukar warna; 4. put different clothes on os, /bersalin, bertukar/ pakaian: to ~ for dinner, bersalin pakaian utk makan malam; 5. alight from one vehicle and board another, bertukar + approp n : he ~d at the junction, dia bertukar bas di persimpangan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
punctuationn 1. act, system of punctuating, penggunaan tanda baca: an error in ~ can alter the sense of a sentence, penggunaan tanda baca yg salah boleh mengubah makna sesuatu ayat; 2. punctuation mark, tanda baca: all ~ was removed from the excerpt, semua tanda baca dibuang dr petikan itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
straw /clutch, grasp/ at ~s, dlm keadaan terdesak: he is clutching at ~s if he thinks that a personal visit will alter the situation, dia dlm keadaan terdesak jika dia fikir bahawa lawatan secara peribadi dapat mengubah keadaan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
texturen 1. way st feels when touched, eaten, etc, tekstur [or not translated]; (of woven cloth) tenunan, jalinan: compost can alter the ~ of the soil, kompos boleh mengubah tekstur tanah; a skin of fine ~, kulit yg halKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
well1/eat, dine, etc/ ~, makan sepuas-puasnya; /leave, let/ ~ (enough) alone, membiarkan (keadaan) begitu saja, tdk mengubah apa-apa: why alter the present method? It’s better to leave ~ alone, utk apa meminda kaedah yg ada sekarang? Lebih baik membiarkan keadaan begitu saja; live ~, (comfortably) hidup selesa; (prosperously) hidup senang; (luxuriously) hidup mewah; marry ~, berkahwin dgn orang baik-baik; (colloq) kahwin dgn orang baik-baik; sleep ~, tidur (dgn) /nyenyak, lena/; sleep ~!, selamat malam!; speak ~ of /so., st/, memuji /sso, sst/: they speak very ~ of her in her department at Oxford, mereka benar-benar memujinya di jabatannya di Oxford; would do ~ to, (foll by v) sepatutnya, sebaiknya: he would do ~ not to pay any heed to such stories, sepatutnya dia tdk mengendahkan cerita-cerita spt itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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