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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

participation n penyertaan: your active ~ in our project is much appreciated, penyertaan kamu secara aktif dlm projek kita amatlah dihargai.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
positiveadj 1. expressing certainty, positif, pasti: ~ answer, jawapan yg positif; the police have ~ proof of his innocence, pihak polis mempunyai bukti yg pasti bahawa dia tdk bersalah; “Are you sure she came home at lunch time?” “I’m ~”, “Kamu pasti dia pulang pd waktu makan tengah hari?” “Saya pasti”; 2. constructive, beneficial, membina, positif: we are grateful for the many ~ suggestions that have been made, kami amatlah berterima kasih atas cadangan-cadangan yg membina itu; ~ thinking, pemikiran yg positif;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
administrationn 1. act of, a. (managing affairs of, government, etc) pentadbiran: problems of ~, masalah pentadbiran; those responsible for the ~ of the country, mereka yg bertanggungjawab thdp pentadbiran negara; b. (executing, meting out) pelaksanaan: ~ of the law, pelaksanaan undang-undang; c. (giving, applying as remedy) pemberian: the immediate ~ of an anti dote is of the utmost importance, pemberian penawar racun dgn serta-merta amatlah penting; d. (tendering, imposing) pentadbiran; 2. governing body, pentadbiran: the head of ~ at the institute, ketua pentadbiran di institut itu; the Mahathir ~, pentadbiran Mahathir.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
operation3. commercial enterprise, perusahaan; 4. (med) pembedahan: he has to undergo an ~ for gallstones, dia harus menjalani pembedahan utk membuang batu hempedu; 5. process of, a. (working) perjalanan: there is something faulty in the ~ of the motor, ada sesuatu yg tdk kena dlm perjalanan motor ini; b. (carrying on business, activities, etc) menjalankan + approp n, beroperasi; (of gangsters, pirates, etc) menjalankan kegiatan: the drug barons were forced to change their method of ~, raja-raja dadah itu terpaksa menukar cara mereka menjalankan kegiatan; 6. method of operating, pengendalian, cara mengendalikan: the ~ of the duplicator is very simple, cara mengendalikan alat penduaan ini amatlah mudah; 7. (math) operasi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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