Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

graft 1 vt 1. (horticulture) mencantum: he ~ed a pink rose onto this white one, dia mencantum mawar merah jambu pd mawar putih ini; 2. transplant living tissue etc surgically, menggraf: the surgeon ~ed a piece of skin from the boy’s leg onto his burnt arm, pakar bedah menggraf kulit drpd kaki anak itu pd lengannya yg terbakar; 3. (often derog) transplant (one idea, report, system, etc onto another) menempelkan: the author has ~ed too many long explanatory passages onto his novel, penulis itu telah menempelkan terlalu banyak bahagian-bahagian keterangan yg panjang pd novelnya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breakn 1. hole, lubang; (narrow) celah: the calf disappeared through a ~ in the wall, anak lembu itu menghilang melalui lubang pd tembok; 2. broken part, area , (bahagian yg) /pecah, patah, putus, dll/: the ~ is near the ankle, bahagian yg patah itu dekat dgn buku lali; there were so many ~s in the film that it was not worth repairing it, banyak bahagian filem ini yg putus sehingga tdk guna membaikinya or filem ini putus pd begitu banyak tempat sehingga tdk guna membaikinya; the virus can get in through a ~ in the skin, virus tersebut dapat masuk melalui kulit yg jejas; 3. stoppage, berhenti, terhenti: during a ~ in the conversation, a child’s voice was heard, sewaktu perbualan itu terhenti, kedengaran suara kanak-kanak; they waited on the verandah, hoping for a ~ in the rain, mereka menunggu di beranda, mengharapkan hujan akan berhenti;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
outsiden outer part, bahagian luar: the ~ of the house has not been painted, bahagian luar rumah itu belum dicat lagi; at the (very) ~, paling + approp adj or v: it should cost $50.00 at the ~, paling mahal, harganya $50.00; there were 2,000 people there at the very ~, paling banyak, ada 2,000 orang di situ; they should arrive here by six o’clock at the ~, paling lewat, mereka akan tiba pd pukul enam; from the ~, dari luar: the door opens from the ~, pintu itu dibuka dr luar; on the ~, a. on the outer part, /bahagian, sebelah/ luarnya/, di /bahagian, sebelah/ luar: a jacket with fur on the ~, jaket yg bahagian luarnya berbulu or jaket yg berbulu di bahagian luar; b. world outside an institution, prison, etc, di luar: life on the ~, kehidupan di luar; c. on side nearest the centre, di lorong luar: you should overtake on the ~, potonglah di lorong luar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
proportion3. part or portion of a whole, bahagian: some ~ of the profit will be ploughed back into the business, beberapa bahagian keuntungan akan diserapkan semula ke dlm perniagaan itu; girls from the countryside form a large ~ of the workers in that factory, budak-budak perempuan dr daerah luar bandar merupakan sebahagian besar pekerja kilang; 4. amount, quantity of st compared to others in the same group, jumlah: there is a higher ~ of advertisements for houses in the evening paper than the morning paper, terdapat jumlah iklan rumah yg lebih banyak dlm akhbar petang berbanding dgn yg terdapat dlm akhbar pagi; 5. (math) perkadaran;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
preponderatevi (fml) predominate, lebih + approp adj:evidence for the accused ~d at the trial, dalam perbicaraan itu, bukti-bukti yg menyebelahi tertuduh adalah lebih ketara; small farms ~ in that part of the country, terdapat lebih banyak ladang kecil di bahagian tersebut negeri itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
protuberancen (fml) 1. bulge, protrusion, a. (on plants) bonggol, bonjol, bongkol: there were a lot of ~s on the tree trunk, ada banyak bonjol pd batang pokok itu; b. (on the human body) bonjol: she has a ~ on her back, banyak bonjol di bahagian belakangnya; 2. (of eyes) condition of being protuberant, terjojol, tersembul: one of the first things you notice about a Pekingese dog is the ~ of its eyes, salah satu ciri yg ketara ttg anjing Peking ialah matanya yg tersembul.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
buy~ os out, (membayar wang) utk keluar dr: he paid a substantial amount of money to ~ himself out of the army, dia membayar sejumlah wang yg banyak utk keluar dr tentera; ~ so. out, a. (buy so’s share of business) membeli saham sso; (buy so’s share of property) membeli bahagian harta sso: he has enough money now to ~ his partner out, dia mempunyai wang yg cukup utk membeli saham rakan kongsinya; b. gain release from st by payment, (membayar wang) utk mengeluarkan sso dr: his parents are planning to ~ him out of the army, ibu bapanya bercadang membayar wang utk mengeluarkannya dr tentera; ~ st out, gain control of st by buying, membeli: he is rich enough to ~ out the estate, dia cukup kaya hingga dapat membeli seluruh ladang itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
passageb. (of sun, moon) pergerakan: the sun, in its ~ across the sky, matahari, dlm pergerakannya melintasi angkasa; c. (of vehicle) lalu: the ~ of heavy vehicles is prohibited along this stretch of the road, kenderaan berat dilarang lalu di bahagian jalan ini; 8. process of elapsing, approp n + telah berlalu: despite the ~ of many years she could still remember the incident in detail, walaupun banyak tahun telah berlalu, dia masih dapat mengingat kejadian itu dgn terperinci; 9. access, laluan: the villagers have right of ~ through the field, penduduk-penduduk kampung itu mempunyai hak laluan di padang itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
latteradj 1. the second mentioned of two, kedua: of the two plays, Hamlet and Macbeth, I prefer the ~, antara dua lakonan itu, Hamlet dan Macbeth, saya lebih menyukai yg kedua;2. belonging to a later time or period, akhir: the ~ part of the novel is set in Greece, bahagian akhir novel itu berlatarkan Greece; he did a lot of travelling in the ~ part of last year, dia banyak berjalan pd akhir tahun lepas; the ~ years of his life, pd tahun-tahun akhir hayatnya; the ~ part of the year, setengah tahun kedua; 3. recent, present, /akhir-akhir, kebelakangan/ ini: life has changed considerably for her in these ~ days, hidupnya banyak berubah akhir-akhir ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
latteradj 1. the second mentioned of two, kedua: of the two plays, Hamlet and Macbeth, I prefer the ~, antara dua lakonan itu, Hamlet dan Macbeth, saya lebih menyukai yg kedua;2. belonging to a later time or period, akhir: the ~ part of the novel is set in Greece, bahagian akhir novel itu berlatarkan Greece; he did a lot of travelling in the ~ part of last year, dia banyak berjalan pd akhir tahun lepas; the ~ years of his life, pd tahun-tahun akhir hayatnya; the ~ part of the year, setengah tahun kedua; 3. recent, present, /akhir-akhir, kebelakangan/ ini: life has changed considerably for her in these ~ days, hidupnya banyak berubah akhir-akhir ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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