Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[be.ra.khir]/[ber.a.khir] | براخير

Definisi : 1. habis, selesai, tamat, habis tem­poh­nya: mesyuarat telah ~; 2. = ~ dgn = berakhirkan berkesudahan dgn: pesta itu ~ dgn perkelahian; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[be.ra.khir]/[ber.a.khir] | براخير

Definisi : sampai ke akhirnya; selesai; habis: Cuti sekolah telah ~ pd pertengahan bulan April. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata berakhir

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

overb. (ref to period of time) berakhir: he felt that he could not wait for winter to be ~, dia berasa tdk sabar menunggu musim sejuk berakhir; those great old days are ~, masa silam yg menyeronokkan telah berakhir; the night will soon be ~, malam akan berakhir tdk lama lagi; c. (ref to condition, situation) berakhir: it seemed that all their troubles were ~, nampaknya segala kesulitan mereka sudah berakhir; d. (ref to relationship) berakhir: it’s all ~ now between them, segala-galanya antara mereka telah berakhir; e. (as used in two-way radio circuit) ganti: is Sunray at your base?.O~, Sunray di pangkalan anda?. Ganti;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
over9. ended, past, finished, a. (of event, happening) tamat, berakhir, selesai; (colloq) habis; (of war) berakhir, tamat; (of holidays) berakhir; (of storm, floods, etc) berakhir: the fight was ~ before we got there, perlawanan tinju itu tamat sebelum kami sampai; is the meeting ~ yet?, mesyuarat itu sudah berakhir atau belum?; I’ll see you backstage when the concert’s ~, saya akan berjumpa dgn kamu di belakang pentas apabila konsert tamat; it was as though he could not believe that the war was ~, seolah-olah dia tdk percaya bahawa perang telah berakhir;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
concludevi 1. end, berakhir, tamat, selesai; (of theatrical season etc) berakhir: the play ~s with the death of its hero, drama itu berakhir dgn kematian wiranya; the meeting will ~ at 10 o’clock, mesyuarat itu akan berakhir pd pukul 10; 2. finish (what one is saying) mengakhiri + approp n : perhaps I should ~ on a more optimistic note, mungkin saya harus mengakhiri ucapan saya dgn nada yg lebih optimistik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
endvi berakhir, tamat:the war ~ed in 1945, peperangan itu berakhir pd tahun 1945; the track ~s here, jalan kecil ini berakhir di sini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
terminate2. conclude, berakhir: proceedings ~d with a vote of thanks to the chair, mesyuarat itu berakhir dgn ucapan terima kasih kpd pengerusi; the contract will ~ in May, kontrak itu akan berakhir pd bulan Mei;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
unrelievedadj 1. without relief, tdk pernah berakhir: hours of ~ boredom, rasa bosan yg tdk pernah berakhir berjam-jam lamanya; a life of ~ sufferings, hidup penuh penderitaan yg tdk pernah berakhir; 2. monotonous, [various translations]: an ~ stretch of white wall, tembok yg sepanjang-panjangnya berwarna putih; a desert ~ by even an oasis, gurun yg terbentang tanpa sebuah wadi punKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
finishvi 1. come to an end, a. (of organized event) tamat, berakhir, selesai; (colloq) habis: at what time will the meeting ~?, pukul berapa mesyuarat akan tamat?; the party didn’t ~ until midnight, majlis itu hanya berakhir pd tengah malam; b. (ref to period of time or st regarded as such) tamat, berakhir; (colloq) habis: the academic year ~es in April, tahun akademik berakhir pd bulan April; his contract ~es at the end of the month, kontraknya berakhir hujung bulan ini; c. (of work, activity) selesai; (colloq) habis: the final payment will be made as soon as work on the building ~es, bayaran terakhir akan dibuat sebaik sahaja kerja pembinaan bangunan itu selesai; filming ~ed a few days ago, penggambaran selesai beberapa hari lalu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breakd. (of drought) end, berakhir: if the drought doesn’t ~ soon..., sekiranya kemarau tdk segera berakhir...; e. (of day) begin, menyingsing: as day broke, sewaktu fajar menyingsing; 12. become public, (mula) tersebar: the news broke yesterday, berita itu mula tersebar semalam; 13.,/b> (of voice) a. (as from emotion) terputus-putus: his voice was ~ing with grief, suaranya terputus-putus krn kesedihan; b. deepen at adolescence, pecah, menjadi /besar, kasar/; [with person as subject] pecah suara: my voice broke when I was fifteen, suara saya pecah or saya pecah suara sewaktu berumur lima belas tahun;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
abruptadj 1. sudden, tiba-tiba, mendadak; (of corner, turn, etc) tajam: an ~ change in the weather, perubahan cuaca yg tiba-tiba; come to an ~ end, tiba-tiba (sahaja) /berakhir, tamat, selesai/, /berakhir, tamat, selesai/ dgn tiba-tiba; come to an ~ /halt, stop/, tiba-tiba (sahaja) berhenti, berhenti dgn /tiba-tiba, mendadak/ (sahaja); 2. brusque, kasar: an ~ reply, jawapan yg kasar; an ~ manner of speaking, gaya pertuturan yg agak kasar; 3. Disconnected, tdk lancar, terputus-putus: an ~ style of writing, gaya penulisan yg tdk lancar; 4. steep, curam: an ~ descent, jalan turun yg curam.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
end/begin, start/ at the wrong ~, salah caranya dr mula; come to an ~, berakhir; (of world) kiamat: the journey was coming to an ~, perjalanan itu akan berakhir; the world will come to an ~, dunia akan kiamat; come to a bad ~, jadi buruk padahnya; /gain, win, achieve/ o’s ~s, mencapai /tujuan, matlamat/ sso; /get, have/ hold of the wrong ~ of the stick, salah /anggap, sangka/; go off the deep ~, naik radang: he went off the deep ~ at the slightest provocation, dia naik radang apabila diberangsang walaupun sedikit saja; in the ~, akhirnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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