Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[] | برسڤاي

Definisi : 1. bersepah menjadi kecil dan terserak ke merata, berkecai: maka bergegarlah rumah itu seluruhnya bagai akan pecah ~; 2. berserak-serak, bertabur ke merata-rata tempat: air liur ~ ke muka Lebai Dusin; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[] | برسڤاي

Definisi : pecah menjadi kecil-kecil dan berserak me­rata-rata; berkecai. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Kata Terbitan : bersepai,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

fragmentvi 1. berkecai, bersepai: the glass window ~ed under the impact, tingkap kaca itu berkecai akibat hentaman; 2. (fig.) berpecah-belah: there was a threat that the entire Soviet Union would ~ into separate republics, ada ancaman bahawa Soviet Union akan berpecah-belah menjadi republik-republik yg terpisah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
disintegratevi 1. hancur /bersepai, berkecai/, hancur, luluh: the rocket ~d before our very eyes, roket itu hancur berkecai di hadapan mata kami; 2. (fig.) berkecai: the party ~d after the death of its leader, parti itu berkecai selepas kematian pemimpinnya; their marriage ~d after only a few years, perkahwinan mereka berkecai selepas beberapa tahun sahaja;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fragmentvt 1. (act.) menyebabkab [sst] berkecai; (pass.) berkecai, bersepai: the explosion ~ed the boulder, letupan itu menyebabkan batu besar berkecai; 2. (fig.) memecah-mecahkan: the Austro-Hungarian Empire was ~ed after the First World War, Empayar Austro-Hungary dipecah-pecahkan selepas Perang Dunia Pertama.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crack~ up, a. suffer nervous illness, patah jiwa; b. (of vehicle) bersepai; ~ /so., st/ up to be, menggembar-gemburkan /sso, sst/; not what /so., st/ is ~ed up to be, tidak(lah) spt yg digembar-gemburkan, cuma indah khabar dr rupa: the holiday resort is not what it is ~ed up to be, tempat peranginan itu tidaklah spt yg digembar-gemburkan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pieceI think I would have gone to ~s if I had had to endure such harassment, saya rasa saya tdk dapat mengawal perasaan jika saya terpaksa menghadapi gangguan begitu; in ~s, a. broken, berkecai, bersepai: the plate was in ~s on the floor, pinggan itu berkecai di atas lantai; b. destroyed, hancur musnah: the plans he had made for the future now lay in ~s due to events beyond his control, rancangan yg dibuatnya utk masa hadapan kini hancur musnah disebabkan berlakunya peristiwa di luar kuasanya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breakc. suddenly start doing st, (tiba-tiba) mula + approp v: the horse broke into a fast trot, kuda itu mula berlari dgn kencang; the comedian broke into a dance, pelawak itu mula menari; his face broke into a smile, dia mula tersenyum; ~ into tears, mula menangis; ~ /into, to / pieces, a. shatter, pecah /berkecai, bersepai/; b. snap, menjadi patah-patah; ~ st into pieces, a. shatter st memecahkan sst hingga /berkecai(-kecai), bersepai(-sepai)/; ( with repeated blows ) memecah-mecahkan sst; b. snap st, mematah-matahkan sst; ~ into / two, three, etc /, /pecah, patah/ /dua, tiga, dll/;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pieceselepas mendaki Gunung Kinabalu, memanjat Bukit Bendera kacang saja; all of a ~, /sama, serupa/ sahaja: socialism and communism were all of a ~ in his view, pd pandangannya, komunisme dan sosialisme adalah sama sahaja; all of a ~ with st, consistent with, sejajar dgn sst: such conduct is all of a ~ with his upbringing, kelakuan begitu sejajar dgn cara dia dibesarkan; break to ~s, pecah /berderai, berkecai, bersepai/: the vase fell and broke to pieces, jambangan itu jatuh dan pecah berkecai; by the ~, berdasarkan kerja: they paid their workers by the ~,Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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