Maklumat Kata

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Batu campur batu bulat,
     Tarah mari hujung perahu;
Nampak di mata boleh dilihat,
     Dalam hati mana nak tahu.

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Buka mata pasang telinga,
     tutup mulut simpan di hati.

Bermaksud :

Sesuatu perkara yang tidak ada sangkut-paut dengan kita, boleh juga dilihat dan didengar, tetapi jangan dicampuri mulut.


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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

visibleadj 1. capable of being seen, /boleh, dapat/ dilihat: cracks that are ~ in the wall, retak-retak yg boleh dilihat pd dinding itu; no ~ damage has been done, tdk ada kerosakan yg boleh dilihat telah dilakukan; despair was ~ on their faces, perasaan putus asa dapat dilihat di wajah mereka; 2. apparent, ketara, jelas, nyata: this object serves no ~ purpose, benda ini tdk jelas kegunaannya; no ~ sign of danger, tdk ada tanda bahaya yg ketara; 3. (of light) tampak; 4. (of exports etc) tampak.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
school 2 n (of fish etc) kawan, kumpulan: a ~ of dolphins could be seen from the boat, sekawan ikan lumba-lumba boleh dilihat dr bot itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
skeleton n 1. (of person or animal) rangka: the ~ of a dinosaur can be seen in the museum, rangka dinosaur boleh dilihat di muzium itu; ahuman ~s were dug up, rangka manusia telah digali;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
tracen 1. evidence, kesan: he left the country and disappeared without ~, dia telah meninggalkan negeri dan menghilang tanpa kesan; ~s of the war can still be seen in the countryside, kesan-kesan peperangan masih boleh dilihat di kawasan luar bandar; we found ~s of elephants along the riverside, kami menjumpai kesan-kesan gajah itu di sepanjang tebing sungai; I can still see some ~s of the beauty that made her famous, saya masih dapat melihat kesan-kesan kecantikannya yg telah membuat dia menjadi masyhur;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
distinguishableadj 1. that can be discriminated from others, /dapat, boleh/ dibezakan: the forged signature was hardly ~ from the authentic one, tandatangan palsu itu sukar dibezakan drpd yg asal; 2. that can be perceived, /dapat, boleh/ dilihat dgn jelas; (by sense of hearing), /dapat, boleh/ didengar: the bad weather made the mountains hardly ~, cuaca buruk menyebabkan gunung itu tdk dapat dilihat dgn jelas.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
patchyadj 1. in patches, (of colour) bercapuk-capuk; (of mist, fog) di sana sini: she dyed her rug but the colour turned out to be rather ~, dia mencelup hamparannya tetapi warnanya menjadi bercapuk-capuk; areas of ~ fog could be seen over the mountains, kawasan yg berkabut di sana sini boleh dilihat di pergunungan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
accessiblebe ~ to, a. be easily reached or entered by, /boleh, dapat/ didatangi; b. able to be used, known, etc, /boleh, dapat/ + approp v: these old manuscripts are ~ to a limited few, naskhah-naskhah lama ini boleh dimanfaatkan hanya oleh beberapa orang tertentu; his private collection is now ~ to the public, koleksi peribadinya itu kini boleh dilihat oleh orang ramai; knowledge that is ~ to all, ilmu pengetahuan yg dapat diperoleh semua orang; c. be open to, terbuka kpd: a system of higher education that is ~ to all, sistem pelajaran tinggi yg terbuka kpd semua orang; d. be approachable to, mudah dihubungi: a leader who is ~ to his followers, seorang pemimpin yg mudah dihubungi oleh penyokong-penyokongnya; e. be open to the influence of, mudah + approp v: to be ~ to bribery, mudah disuap; to be ~ to pity, mudah berasa kasihan; to be ~ to argument, mudah menerima (baik) hujah-hujah (orang lain).Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
nakedadj 1. unclothed, nude, bogel, telanjang: the children were ~, budak-budak itu bogel; 2. without the usual covering, a. (esp of young animal) tdk berbulu; (of chicken) dogel; b. (of sword, dagger, etc) terhunus: a ~ sword, pedang yg terhunus; c. (of tree, hillside, etc) gondol: the ~ fields, padang yg gondol; d. (of rock) terdedah; e. (of light) tdk bertudung: a ~ light bulb, mentol lampu yg tdk bertudung; f. (of flame, fire) terbuka; 3. without ornamentation, furnishings, bogel; 4. exposed, undisguised, terang-terangan, tdk berselindung-selindung: the ~ truth, kebenaran yg terang-terangan; acts of ~ aggression, tindakan agresif yg tdk berselindung-selindung; the ~ eye, mata kasar: a virus cannot be seen with the ~ eye, virus tdk boleh dilihat dgn mata kasar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
looke. establish value of st, /menilai, mentaksir/ sst: why don’t you get a jeweller to ~ at the stone and tell you what it’s worth?, mengapa tdk mendapatkan seorang tukang emas utk mentaksir permata ini dan memberitahu kamu nilainya?; to ~ at /so., st/, jika /dipandang, dilihat, ditengok/ pd /rupa, keadaan/: to ~ at that car, you wouldn’t think it’s still roadworthy, jika dilihat pd keadaannya, kamu tdk percaya bahawa kereta itu masih boleh digunakan di jalan raya; to ~ at him you wouldn’t think he was a professor, jika dilihat pd rupanya, kamu tdk percaya dia profesor;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
within7. near enough to reach or be reached etc, [various translations]: this should not be kept ~ reach of children, jangan simpan barang ini di tempat yg boleh dicapai oleh kanak-kanak; she told them to stay ~ sight, dia menyuruh mereka duduk di tempat yg dapat dilihat; unfortunately, she was ~ earshot, malangnya dia dlm jarak pendengaran;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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