Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : pendapat; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

Definisi : apa-apa yg difikirkan oleh seseorang; pendapat. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

pool 2kita boleh berunding dan mengumpulkan buah fikiran kita; they ~ed their information about the murder and were able to identify the murderer, mereka mengumpulkan maklumat ttg pembunuhan itu lalu dapat mengenal pasti pembunuhnya; the villages ~ed their food resources for the feast, penduduk-penduduk kampung itu mengumpul sumber makanan mereka utk mengadakan kenduri.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
stuff those friends of his ~ed his head with foolish ideas, kawan-kawannya itu mengasak kepalanya dgn buah fikiran yg karut-karut;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
liberaladj 1. tolerant, terbuka, liberal; (of person) (bersikap) /terbuka, liberal/: a ~ mind, fikiran yg terbuka; he is most ~in his ideas, dr segi memberikan buah fikiran, dia bersikap paling terbuka; 2. (of person) generous, pemurah, bermurah hati; (with advice, praise, etc) murah: a ~ patron, penaung yg pemurah; she is not ~ with her praise, dia tdk murah dgn pujian;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
liberaladj 1. tolerant, terbuka, liberal; (of person) (bersikap) /terbuka, liberal/: a ~ mind, fikiran yg terbuka; he is most ~in his ideas, dr segi memberikan buah fikiran, dia bersikap paling terbuka; 2. (of person) generous, pemurah, bermurah hati; (with advice, praise, etc) murah: a ~ patron, penaung yg pemurah; she is not ~ with her praise, dia tdk murah dgn pujian;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
struggle ~ with so., see vi (sense 2.); ~ with os, berlawan dgn perasaan sso: after struggling with herself for some days, she decided to go along with my idea, selepas berlawan dgn perasaannya selama beberapa hari, dia akhirnya menerima buah fikiran saya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jettisonvt 1. membuang: the captain ordered the cargo to be ~ed, kapten mengarahkan supaya muatan kapal itu dibuang; 2. (fig.) membuang; (old practices, outmoded methods, etc) membuang, meninggalkan: to ~ antiquated ideas, membuang buah fikiran yg kolot.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
present 2 History lessons can be ~ed in many different ways, pelajaran Sejarah boleh disampaikan dgn berbagai-bagai cara; 13. occur unexpectedly, a. (of idea, thought, etc) datang, timbul: the idea ~ed itself quite unexpectedly, buah fikiran itu datang dgn sendirinya secara tdk disangka-sangka; b. (of opportunity, possibility) happen, wujud, ada: if the chance to buy a house ~s itself, take it!, jika wujud peluang utk membeli rumah, ambillah dgn cepat; 14. (fml) officially attend, menghadirkan diri, hadir: he was asked to ~ himself at the Director’s office tomorrow morning, dia diminta menghadirkan diri di pejabat Pengarah pagi esok;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crystallize, crystallisevt 1. menghablurkan: evaporation will ~ the salt, penyejatan akan menghablurkan garam itu; 2. (fig.) memperjelas: it was only recently that I was able to ~ my thoughts on the subject, akhir-akhir ini saja baru saya dapat memperjelas buah fikiran saya ttg perkara itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
emanatevi (fml) datang:the sound seemed to ~ from that room, bunyi tersebut rasanya datang dr bilik itu; the smell of fresh bread ~d from the bakery, bau roti yg baru dibakar datang dr kilang itu; the idea for the organization ~d from academic circles, buah fikiran utk mendirikan organisasi itu datang dr kalangan ilmiawan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
independentadj 1. self-governing, merdeka: Malaya became ~ in 1957, Malaya merdeka pd tahun 1957; 2. not associated (with each other) berasingan: the two ~ studies came to almost the same conclusion, kedua-dua kajian yg berasingan itu mencapai kesimpulan yg hampir sama; ~ research projects, projek penyelidikan yg berasingan; 3. done, conducted or given fairly and without bias, bebas: an ~ investigation, siasatan bebas; to get an ~ opinion, mendapatkan buah fikiran yg bebas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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