Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ce.mer.kap] | چمرکڤ

Definisi : tidak cermat (dlm melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan dll), kasar; kecemerkapan keadaan (sifat) cemerkap, kelalaian: tiga orang drpd mereka berasa kecewa oleh sebab ~ sahabat mereka. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata cemerkap

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

ham-fisted, ham-handedadj (sl) cemerkap: the instructor told me that I was ~ and would never make a good pilot, jurulatih itu memberitahu bahawa saya cemerkap dan tdk boleh menjadi juruterbang yg baik; in his ~ way he made the situation worse, dgn caranya yg cemerkap, dia membuat keadaan itu bertambah buruk.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
clumsyadj 1. awkward in movement and action, cemerkap; (of fingers) kekok: the ~ boy knocked the table over, budak yg cemerkap itu melanggar dan menterbalikkan meja; 2. awkwardly designed or constructed, gabas: a ~ piece of machinery, sebuah jentera yg gabas; ~ boots, kasut but yg gabas; 3. done or said without tact or care, (secara) ceroboh: his ~ attempts at making jokes, percubaannya yg ceroboh utk berjenaka; ~ forgery, pemalsuan yg ceroboh.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
butter-fingersn orang yg cemerkap.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
finger/be, feel / all ~s and thumbs, cemerkap sangat; have /a, o’s /~ in every pie, (colloq) terlibat dlm segala hal; /have, get /o’s ~s burnt, sso terbakar jari; have o’s ~s in the till, (colloq) mencuri wang majikan sso; lay a ~ on, menyentuh; let st slip through o’s ~s, membiarkan sst terlepas; put o’s ~ on, (say exactly) menyatakan [sst] dgn tepat; (name exactly) menamakan [sst] dgn tepat: I know there is something wrong with the sentence but I can’t quite put my ~ on it, saya tahu ada sesuatu yg tdk kena dlm ayat ini, tetapi saya tdk dapat menyatakannya dgn tepat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
clumsinessn 1. quality of being awkward in movement and action, kecemerkapan, cemerkap; 2. quality of being awkwardly designed or constructed, gabas: the ~ of the parcel made it difficult to carry, bungkusan yg gabas itu sukar dibawa; 3. quality of being done or said tactlessly or carelessly, ceroboh.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
framen 1. case, border enclosing picture, door, etc, bingkai: the thieves clumsily cut the picture out of the ~, pencuri-pencuri itu dgn cemerkap menggunting gambar-gambar dr bingkainya; a window ~, bingkai tingkap; a pair of spectacles with metal ~s, kaca mata berbingkai logam; 2. skeleton (of building, ship, etc) rangka: the ~ of the building is already finished, rangka bangunan itu sudah siap; the car has a strong ~, rangka kereta itu kuat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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