Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : n yg sebaliknya, kebalikan; (ref to words) lawannya, kebalikan: if I ask him to do st he will do the ~, jika saya menyuruh dia membuat sst dia akan melakukan yg sebaliknya; his opinion is quite the ~, dia berpandapat sebaliknya; the ~ of “hard is soft”, keras lawannya lembut; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : adj 1. opposed, opposite, bertentangan; (of words) berlawanan: ~ to the doctor’s advice, he went back to work the very next day, bertentangan dgn nasihat doktor, dia kembali bekerja keesokan harinya; the result is ~ to our expectation, keputusan itu berlawanan dgn harapan kami; his conduct is ~ to the rules of the school, tingkah lakunya bertentangan dgn peraturan sekolah; ~ opinions, pendapat yg bertentangan; “fast” and “slow” are ~ terms, “cepat” dan “lambat” ialah kata yg berlawanan; 2. (of wind) sakal; 3. obstinate, difficult, suka membantah; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : by contraries, contrary to expectation, sebaliknya: many things in our lives go by contraries, banyak perkara dlm hidup kita yg berlaku sebaliknya; on the ~, sebaliknya: he accused me of slacking, when, on the ~, I had been working hard, dia menuduh kerja saya telah merosot, sebaliknya saya bekerja kuat; to the ~, sebaliknya: I shall expect you tomorrow unless I hear to the ~, saya akan menunggu kedatangan kamu esok kecuali diberitahu sebaliknya. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata contrary

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

contraryn yg sebaliknya, kebalikan; (ref to words) lawannya, kebalikan: if I ask him to do st he will do the ~, jika saya menyuruh dia membuat sst dia akan melakukan yg sebaliknya; his opinion is quite the ~, dia berpandapat sebaliknya; the ~ of “hard is soft”, keras lawannya lembut;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
contraryadj 1. opposed, opposite, bertentangan; (of words) berlawanan: ~ to the doctor’s advice, he went back to work the very next day, bertentangan dgn nasihat doktor, dia kembali bekerja keesokan harinya; the result is ~ to our expectation, keputusan itu berlawanan dgn harapan kami; his conduct is ~ to the rules of the school, tingkah lakunya bertentangan dgn peraturan sekolah; ~ opinions, pendapat yg bertentangan; “fast” and “slow” are ~ terms, “cepat” dan “lambat” ialah kata yg berlawanan; 2. (of wind) sakal; 3. obstinate, difficult, suka membantah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
contraryby contraries, contrary to expectation, sebaliknya: many things in our lives go by contraries, banyak perkara dlm hidup kita yg berlaku sebaliknya; on the ~, sebaliknya: he accused me of slacking, when, on the ~, I had been working hard, dia menuduh kerja saya telah merosot, sebaliknya saya bekerja kuat; to the ~, sebaliknya: I shall expect you tomorrow unless I hear to the ~, saya akan menunggu kedatangan kamu esok kecuali diberitahu sebaliknya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
oppositeb. contrary, sebaliknya: you had meant to impress them but what you said had the ~ effect, kamu bermaksud utk menarik hati mereka tetapi kata-katamu itu mempunyai kesan yg sebaliknya; the results were ~ to those expected, yg dijangka lain, tetapi keputusannya sebaliknya; she took the ~ view, dia mempunyai pendapat yg sebaliknya; 3. opposed (in a war etc) berlawanan: they fought on ~ sides during the war, mereka berjuang di pihak yg berlawanan dlm peperangan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
contrariwiseadv on the contrary, conversely, sebaliknya: in Europe motorists drive on the left hand side, but in England it is ~, di Eropah pemandu membawa kereta di sebelah kiri tetapi di England sebaliknya; I argued for reform and he argued ~, saya berhujah menyokong perubahan tetapi dia berhujah sebaliknya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
unchristianadj 1. contrary to Christian principles, bertentangan dgn agama Kristian: ~ attitude, sikap yg bertentangan dgn agama Kristian;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
reverse2. change to the contrary, menjadikan [sst] yg sebaliknya, menterbalikkan: the new administration has ~d the decision, pentadbiran baru menterbalikkan keputusan itu; 3. annul, cancel, memansuhkan, membatalkan: the Appeals Court ~d the judgement of the lower court, Mahkamah Rayuan memansuhkan pengadilan mahkamah rendah; 4. cause to move backwards, mengundurkan: when he ~d the car, he hit the gate, dia terlanggar pintu pagar semasa mengundurkan kereta;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
unnatural2. (derog) abnormal, contrary to nature, tdk normal, abnormal: an ~ mother who abandoned her baby, ibu yg tdk normal yg membuang bayinya; an ~ relationship between two men, hubungan yg tdk normal antara dua orang lelaki;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
reverseadj 1. opposite, contrary, bertentangan, berlawanan: in the ~ direction, dlm arah yg bertentangan; we can see a ~ trend in progress, kami dapat melihat arah aliran yg bertentangan dlm kemajuan; 2. back to front, a. (of fabric) dalam: the ~ side of the material is rougher, bahagian dalam kain itu lebih kasar; b. (of coin, picture, etc) belakang: would you put your address on the ~ side of the cheque, sila tulis alamat tuan di bahagian belakang cek; /in, into/ ~ order, dlm tertib terbalik: the names of the winners were read in ~ order, nama-nama pemenang itu dibaca dlm tertib terbalik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
reversen 1. the opposite, contrary (of st) kebalikan: he says one thing and does the ~, perbuatannya ialah kebalikan cakapnya; his remarks were the ~ of complimentary, tegurannya ialah kebalikan pujian; the statement was the ~ of the truth, kenyataan itu ialah kebalikan kebenaran; 2. the back, rear of st, a. (of fabric) bahagian dalam; b. (of coin, picture, etc) bahagian belakang: the ~ of the coin shows one of the small native animals, terdapat gambar salah satu binatang asli pd bahagian belakang syiling itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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