Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : vt 1. command, menguasai: he ~s a large industrial concern, dia menguasai industri yg besar; the state was once ~led by the British, negara itu pernah dikuasai Inggeris; 2. restrain, mengawal; (tears) menahan, mengawal: you must ~ your temper, kamu mesti mengawal perasaan marah; she could not ~ her tears, dia tdk dapat menahan air matanya; 3. regulate, mengawal: to ~ the flow of water, mengawal aliran air; the rents in the city are ~led, sewa di kota dikawal; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : /in, under/ the ~ of, di bawah kuasa: the island is now in the ~ of the military, sekarang pulau itu berada di bawah kuasa tentera; be in ~, berkuasa: a new supervisor is in ~ now, penyelia baru yg berkuasa sekarang; be in ~ of, menguasai: she was in ~ of herself, dia dapat menguasai dirinya; lose ~ of, tdk dapat mengawal: he lost ~ of the car, dia tdk dapat mengawal kereta itu; take ~ of, mengambil alih: he took ~ of his father’s company, dia mengambil alih syarikat bapanya; be under ~, a. dapat dikawal: the fire is under ~, api itu dapat dikawal; b. (fig.) berjalan dgn baik: everything is under ~, semuanya berjalan dgn baik; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : /beyond, outside/ /o’s, so’s/ ~, di luar kuasa sso: the tragedy that occurred was beyond our ~, tragedi yg berlaku itu di luar kuasa kita; gain ~ of, dapat menguasai: the rebels had gained ~ of key positions in the area, pemberontak-pemberontak telah dapat menguasai tempat-tempat yg penting di kawasan itu; /get, be/ out of ~, tdk dapat dikawal: the situation is getting out of ~, keadaan itu tdk dapat dikawal; the horse is out of ~, kuda itu tdk dapat dikawal; get st under ~, mengawal sst; have ~ over, dapat mengawal: he has no ~ over his employees, dia tdk dapat mengawal pekerja-pekerjanya; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : n 1. power, kuasa: the area is under the ~ of rebels, kawasan itu di bawah kuasa pemberontak; 2. means of regulating, restraining, kawalan: parental ~, kawalan ibu bapa; ~ of traffic, kawalan lalu lintas; ~ on imports, kawalan thdp import; good voice ~, kawalan suara yg baik; 3. self-restraint, mengawal diri; 4. (usu in pl) device by which a machine etc is operated, alat kawalan: the ~s are simple to operate, alat kawalan itu mudah dikendalikan; ~ panel, panel kawalan; ~ box, kotak kawalan; 5. standard of comparison used in experiment etc, kawalan; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata control


JudulPenerbitKeluaranTahun TerbitISBN
Pest controlBorneo Literature BureauTiada1972 
Bibliographical control and servicesAndre DeutschTiada2012 
Take control of your lifeMcGraw-HillTiada20000-07-135207-4
Capitol control and the Malaysian economyPelanduk Publications (M) Sdn BhdTiada2005967-978-862-8
Crisis controlEast West Publishing Pty. Ltd.Tiada20040975164635
Social ControlPrinceton University PressTiada1956 
Statistical quality controlMcGraw-HillTiada19800070241147
Retail budgetary control and costingBusiness PublicationTiada1960 
Storage and control of stock for industry and public undertakingsPitman PublishingTiada19670273314157
Ownership and control in the Malayan economyUniversity of Malaya Co-operative BookshopTiada1979 

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