Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : vt 1. command, menguasai: he ~s a large industrial concern, dia menguasai industri yg besar; the state was once ~led by the British, negara itu pernah dikuasai Inggeris; 2. restrain, mengawal; (tears) menahan, mengawal: you must ~ your temper, kamu mesti mengawal perasaan marah; she could not ~ her tears, dia tdk dapat menahan air matanya; 3. regulate, mengawal: to ~ the flow of water, mengawal aliran air; the rents in the city are ~led, sewa di kota dikawal; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : /in, under/ the ~ of, di bawah kuasa: the island is now in the ~ of the military, sekarang pulau itu berada di bawah kuasa tentera; be in ~, berkuasa: a new supervisor is in ~ now, penyelia baru yg berkuasa sekarang; be in ~ of, menguasai: she was in ~ of herself, dia dapat menguasai dirinya; lose ~ of, tdk dapat mengawal: he lost ~ of the car, dia tdk dapat mengawal kereta itu; take ~ of, mengambil alih: he took ~ of his father’s company, dia mengambil alih syarikat bapanya; be under ~, a. dapat dikawal: the fire is under ~, api itu dapat dikawal; b. (fig.) berjalan dgn baik: everything is under ~, semuanya berjalan dgn baik; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : /beyond, outside/ /o’s, so’s/ ~, di luar kuasa sso: the tragedy that occurred was beyond our ~, tragedi yg berlaku itu di luar kuasa kita; gain ~ of, dapat menguasai: the rebels had gained ~ of key positions in the area, pemberontak-pemberontak telah dapat menguasai tempat-tempat yg penting di kawasan itu; /get, be/ out of ~, tdk dapat dikawal: the situation is getting out of ~, keadaan itu tdk dapat dikawal; the horse is out of ~, kuda itu tdk dapat dikawal; get st under ~, mengawal sst; have ~ over, dapat mengawal: he has no ~ over his employees, dia tdk dapat mengawal pekerja-pekerjanya; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : n 1. power, kuasa: the area is under the ~ of rebels, kawasan itu di bawah kuasa pemberontak; 2. means of regulating, restraining, kawalan: parental ~, kawalan ibu bapa; ~ of traffic, kawalan lalu lintas; ~ on imports, kawalan thdp import; good voice ~, kawalan suara yg baik; 3. self-restraint, mengawal diri; 4. (usu in pl) device by which a machine etc is operated, alat kawalan: the ~s are simple to operate, alat kawalan itu mudah dikendalikan; ~ panel, panel kawalan; ~ box, kotak kawalan; 5. standard of comparison used in experiment etc, kawalan; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata control

Artikel Akhbar

Rigid control a hindrance to qualityGilbert KhooMalay Mail18.11.1979
Dept to control Islamic books publicationTiadaNew Straits Times10.09.1976
Mission to regain control of KedahTunku Abdul RahmanThe Star09.03.1987
Of prices and controlNasir SulaimanSunday Star07.04.1991
New textbook system offers full control, says NajibChok Suat LingNew Starits Times03.12.1996
On freedom, the Press and political controlMohammed SopieeThe Sunday Star12.10.1986
Regulating book trade: call to have control over publishersGoh, Robert and Sujiah SallehNew Straits Times14.09.1987

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