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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

god. also ~ out together, spend time together regularly, sering keluar bersama; e. be distributed, diedarkan: I was under the impression the wedding invitations have all ~ne out, saya bertanggapan kad jemputan kahwin telah diedarkan; f. be broadcast, disiarkan; g. cease to be fashionable, tdk lagi menjadi fesyen: bell-bottoms went out years ago, seluar kaki kembang sudah bertahun-tahun tdk lagi menjadi fesyen; h. be out of date, sudah ketinggalan zaman; ~ out and about, ke sana ke mari;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
subversive adj subversif: ~ pamphlets have been circulated, risalah-risalah subversif telah pun diedarkan; action was taken against the ~ elements in our society, tindakan telah diambil thdp anasir-anasir subversif dlm masyarakat kita.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
circulation put st into ~, mengedarkan sst: the decimal coins were put into ~ last August, syiling decimal itu diedarkan pd bulan Ogos lalu; withdraw st from ~, menarik sst drpd peredaran: the one thousand dollar note might be withdrawn from ~, wang kertas seribu ringgit mungkin ditarik drpd peredaran.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
send~ round, a. circulate, mengedarkan: letters have been sent round to all the members, surat telah diedarkan kpd semua ahli; b. despatch, menghantar: I’ll ~ round the office boy to pick it up, saya akan menghantar pembantu pejabat utk mengambil barang itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
circulationback in ~, in ~ again, (of person) mula bergaul semula: now that she has fully recovered from her illness, she’s back in ~, oleh sebab dia telah betul-betul pulih drpd penyakitnya, dia mula bergaul semula; be in ~, a. be in distribution, diedarkan; (of newspaper etc) dijual: the report was in ~ even before the government had made it official, laporan itu telah pun diedarkan sebelum kerajaan menjadikannya laporan rasmi; the newspaper is no longer in ~, akhbar itu tdk dijual lagi; b. (of currency) dlm peredaran, diedarkan: the government has no plans to increase the number of one ringgit coins in ~, kerajaan tdk mempunyai rancangan utk menambah jumlah syiling seringgit dlm peredaran; c. (of ideas, rumours, etc) tersebar; be out of ~, (of person) tdk berdunia: she’s out of ~ because she’s working on her latest novel, dia tdk berdunia krn sibuk menulis novel terbarunya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
trayn dulang, talam; (for mail) bakul: there were two glasses on the ~, ada dua biji gelas di atas dulang itu; ~s of food were handed round, beberapa dulang makanan diedarkan; put the outgoing mail in this ~, letakkan surat keluar ke dlm bakul ini.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
circulatevi 1. flow, move in a circle or circuit, beredar: blood ~s through the body, darah beredar dlm badan; 2. (econ) beredar, berpusing: money ~s quickly in prosperous times, wang beredar dgn cepat pd zaman mewah; 3. be disseminated, tersebar: the rumour ~d quickly, khabar angin itu tersebar dgn cepat; 4. be sold or distributed, diedarkan: this magazine ~s only among businessmen, majalah ini diedarkan hanya di kalangan ahli-ahli perniagaan; 5. mingle, berkeliling dan menegur sapa: our host and hostess ~d amongst the guests, tuan rumah berkeliling dan menegur sapa di kalangan para tamu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
platen 1. shallow dish for food, pinggan: a dinner ~, pinggan makan; there were two large ~ - racks on the wall, terdapat dua rak pinggan yg besar pd dinding itu; 2. content of the plate, pinggan (penuh): he can eat two ~s of rice, dia boleh makan dua pinggan nasi; 3. vessel for collecting donations in church, tabung: while the ~ was being passed around, the choir sang, kumpulan koir bernyanyi semasa tabung itu diedarkan; 4. flat sheet of metal, plat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pass~ out, a. (colloq) faint, pengsan: he ~ed out in the heat, dia pengsan dlm keadaan panas itu; b. complete military training, tamat latihan: the cadets are to ~ out in June, kadet-kadet itu akan tamat latihan pd bulan Jun; ~ st out, distribute st freely, mengedarkan sst (secara percuma): free samples were ~ out to all attending the promotion campaign, sampel-sampel percuma diedarkan kpd semua yg menghadiri kempen promosi itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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