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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata diterbitkan

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

unpublishedadj tdk diterbitkan: his ~ memoirs, memoirnya yg tdk diterbitkan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
publicationn 1. the printing and distribution of books, magazines, newspapers, etc, penerbitan, diterbitkan: he died before the ~ of his last novel, dia meninggal dunia sebelum penerbitan novelnya yg terakhir; he edited the diaries for ~, dia menyunting buku harian itu utk diterbitkan; 2. act, process of making information etc known to the public, dikeluarkan (kpd umum): the ~ of the balance sheet has been delayed, kunci kira-kira itu lewat dikeluarkan kpd umum; the ~ of the examination results has been delayed, keputusan peperiksaan itu lambat dikeluarkan; 3. st published, terbitan: the book is a fine ~, buku itu ialah terbitan yg baik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gothey went through a traditional marriage ceremony, mereka menjalani upacara perkahwinan tradisional; i. see ~ over st (sense c.); j. (of book) diterbitkan hingga: the dictionary went through seven editions, kamus itu telah diterbitkan hingga tujuh edisi; ~ through so’s hands, dikendalikan oleh sso: big sums of money ~ through a banker’s hands each day, wang yg banyak jumlahnya dikendalikan oleh pengurus bank setiap hari;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
formatn format: the newspaper appeared in a new ~, akhbar itu diterbitkan dlm format baru; we’ll have to find a different ~ for our debates, kita mesti mencari format lain utk debat-debat kita.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
serializevt menerbitkan [sst] sbg + approp n bersiri: the novel “Shogun” was ~d on television, novel “Shogun” telah diterbitkan sbg cerita bersiri di televisyen.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
submission2. act of sending (a proposal etc) for consideration, penyerahan: the ~ of an article for publication, penyerahan sebuah makalah utk diterbitkan; the ~ of applications should be made before 15 January, penyerahan permohonan mesti dibuat sebelum 15 Januari;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
revisevt 1. read over to improve, menyemak: the manuscript has been ~d before publication, manuskrip itu telah disemak sebelum diterbitkan; 2. (UK) look (at st) again to improve knowledge, mengulang kaji: the students are revising their lessons for the exam, penuntut-penuntut itu sedang mengulang kaji pelajaran mereka utk peperiksaan; 3. change, mengubah; (price, figures, etc) menyemak, mengubah: the results forced him to ~ his opinion, keputusan itu memaksanya mengubah pendapatnya; the builders have now decided to ~ their estimates, pembina itu sekarang mengambil keputusan utk mengubah anggaran mereka; 4. make a new, improved etc version of, menyemak: the dictionary was extensively ~d, kamus itu telah disemak dgn terperinci;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
comeg. become known, diketahui: at last, the whole truth came out, akhirnya, perkara yg sebenar diketahui; there was uproar when the news came out, berlaku kegemparan bila berita itu diketahui; h. be published, diterbitkan: the dictionary will ~ out this year, kamus itu akan diterbitkan tahun ini; i. appear in certain way (as in photograph) kelihatan, nampak: only the captain didn’t ~ out well in the photograph, hanya kapten saja yg kelihatan tdk hebat dlm gambar itu; j. (of photograph) jadi: none of the photographs I took came out, tdk satu pun gambar yg saya ambil jadi; k. be solved (of sum, problem, etc) menyelesaikan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
timetable2. printed sheet, leaflet, book, etc showing this, approp n + jadual waktu: the Dutch railway ~ is published in May each year, buku jadual waktu kereta api Belanda diterbitkan tiap tahun dlm bulan Mei;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
serialadj bersiri: the papers are numbered in ~ order, kertas-kertas itu dinombori mengikut susunan yg bersiri; the book was first published in ~ form, buku itu mula-mula diterbitkan dlm bentuk yg bersiri;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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