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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata doktor;

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

saw bonesn (esp US), (dated & humorous) doktor, doktor bedah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
abortvt 1. cause to be delivered of foetus prematurely, menggugurkan /kandungan, anak/: the doctors decided to ~ her, doktor-doktor memutuskan utk menggugurkan kandungannya; 2. to bring forth prematurely, menggugurkan: to ~ a twelve-week old foetus, menggugurkan janin yg sudah dua belas minggu dlm kandungan; 3. terminate prematurely, membantutkan, menyebabkan terbantut: to ~ a plan, membantutkan rancangan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
seekshe went from doctor to doctor ~ing relief from the pain, dia berjumpa dgn doktor demi doktor utk mencari ubat utk melegakan kesakitan itu; to ~ an answer to a problem, mencari jawapan bagi sst masalah; to ~ happiness, mencari kebahagiaan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
operateb. (of language) berfungsi; c. (of external force, factor, etc) bertindak: these factors ~d against them, faktor-faktor ini bertindak menentang usaha mereka; 4. perform surgical operation, menjalankan pembedahan: the doctors decided to ~ at once, doktor-doktor itu membuat keputusan utk menjalankan pembedahan dgn segera;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
doctorn doktor: it’s better if he sees a ~ now, lebih baik kalau dia berjumpa doktor sekarang; D~ of Laws, Doktor Undang-Undang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
premiumat a ~, a. harga /premium, tinggi/: the shares were sold at a ~, syer-syer itu dijual dgn harga premium; b. (fig.) highly valued (usu because it is hard to get) sukar ditemui: such honesty is at a ~ these days, kejujuran spt ini sukar didapati sekarang; good doctors were at a ~ then, doktor-doktor yg baik sukar ditemui pd waktu itu; put a ~ on st, a. have high regard for st, /mengutamakan, mementingkan/ sst:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
place“May I remind you that you have been ~d under oath,” said the judge to the witness, “Saya ingin mengingatkan kamu bahawa kamu telah mengangkat sumpah,” kata tuan hakim kpd saksi itu; ~ so. under observation, meletakkkan sso di bawah pengawasan: the doctors were still not certain what was wrong with him and ~d him under observation, doktor-doktor masih tdk pasti apa yg tdk kena dengannya dan meletakkannya di bawah pengawasan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
vetn also veterinary surgeon doktor haiwan: she took her ailing cat to the ~, dia membawa kucingnya yg sakit utk berjumpa dgn doktor haiwan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
counter 1over the ~, tanpa preskripsi doktor: this medicine can be bought over the ~ at many shops, ubat ini boleh dibeli tanpa preskripsi doktor di kebanyakan kedai; under the ~, secara haram: you can get pornographic video tapes under the ~, kamu boleh membeli pita video lucah secara haram.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pitch 13. set up, fix in position (camp etc) mendirikan, memasang: they ~ed their camp beside the river, mereka memasang khemah di tepi sungai itu; 4. fix, thrust, memacak: to ~ wickets before a game of cricket, memacak wiket sebelum permainan kriket; 5. fix, set at particular level, a. (voice) mengawal: the doctors ~ed their voices low as they entered the ward, doktor-doktor itu mengawal suara mereka supaya rendah apabila masuk ke wad; b. (speech, lesson, etc) menyampaikan [sst] dgn cara yg sesuai dgn: her speech was ~ed at the level of the audience she was addressing, ucapannyaKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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