Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : ~ out, be carried away by current of water, hanyut: the little boat ~ed out to sea, perahu itu hanyut ke laut. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : ~ /away, off /, a. (of smoke, mist, cloud) be carried away slowly, berarak; b. (of people) move away slowly, approp v + perlahan-lahan: the crowd started to ~ away long before the game ended, para penonton mula beredar perlahan-lahan lama sebelum perlawanan itu berakhir; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : ~ apart, (fig.), (menjadi) renggang: the two brothers have ~ed apart since their parents’ death, perhubungan antara kedua-dua beradik itu menjadi renggang sejak kematian ibu bapa mereka; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : ~ along, a. be carried by the movement of water, hanyut: the boat ~ed along in the canal, bot itu hanyut di terusan; b. go through life aimlessly, hidup tanpa tujuan: he’s quite happy to just ~ along, dia bahagia hidup tanpa tujuan begitu; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : vt 1. carry along by current of water, menghanyutkan: the logs were ~ed downstream, kayu-kayu balak itu dihanyutkan ke hilir; 2. cause (snow, sand, etc) to pile up, melonggokkan, menimbunkan: the wind ~ed the leaves up against the fence, angin melonggokkan daun-daun itu di tepi pagar; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : sejak dia meninggalkan bangku sekolah, dia telah bertukar dr satu pekerjaan ke pekerjaan yg lain; 4. develop or progress aimlessly, hanyut: their conversation seems to be ~ing from one topic to another, nampaknya perbualan mereka hanyut dr satu tajuk ke tajuk yg lain; 5. (of snow, sand, etc) pile up in heaps, menimbun, berlonggok; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 2. be carried along by current of water, hanyut: they cut the motor and just ~ed for a while, mereka mematikan enjin dan membiarkan bot hanyut sebentar; 3. a. move aimlessly or casually, berjalan perlahan-lahan: she ~ed into the room with a towel slung across her shoulder, dia berjalan perlahan-lahan masuk ke bilik itu dgn tuala tersebai di bahunya; b. wander, hanyut; (from one activity to another) bertukar: he’s not looking for employment, he’s just ~ing, dia bukan mencari kerja, dia suka hanyut begitu; since he left school he has ~ed from one job to another, (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : vi 1. be carried along by current of air, a. (of balloon, kite, etc) melayang-layang: the balloon ~ed a long way off course, belon itu melayang-layang jauh dr laluannya; b. (of smoke from a chimney) keluar: a column of smoke ~ed from the chimney, kepulan asap keluar dr serombong itu; c. (of clouds) berarak: the clouds ~ed across the sky, awan berarak di langit; d. (of sound) sayup-sayup kedengaran; e. (of smell) terbau, tercium, terhidu: a delicious smell ~ed from the kitchen, tercium bau sedap yg datangnya dr dapur; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : n 1. drifting movement, slow current, aliran: the ~ of the current, aliran arus; 2. heap of material piled up by the wind, hanyutan: snow ~, hanyutan salji; ice ~, hanyutan ais; 3. movement of people away from or towards st, aliran: the ~ of young people from the rural areas to the towns, aliran orang-orang muda dr kawasan luar bandar ke bandar; 4. general tendency, trend, aliran: the ~ towards privatization, aliran ke arah penswastaan; 5. gist, general meaning, maksud; (of conversation) biji butir: I don’t think I got the ~ of what he said, saya rasa saya tdk faham maksud kata-katanya; 6. (esp derog) practice of waiting for things to happen, menunggu: the government’s policy of ~, dasar menunggu kerajaan; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata drift

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

hanyut(drift)Berubah secara perlahan daripada hasil output yang seharusnya.Kamus Komputer

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