Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : n 1. the act of governing, rule, kerajaan: ~ of the people by the people for the people, kerajaan rakyat oleh rakyat utk rakyat; 2. system of ruling, sistem pemerintahan, kerajaan: a democratic ~, kerajaan demokratik; 3. ruling body, kerajaan: to form a new ~, membentuk kerajaan baru; the Malaysian ~, kerajaan Malaysia; 4. the state as well as its administration, kerajaan: he works for the G~, dia bekerja dgn kerajaan; a ~ agency, agensi kerajaan; ~ securities, sekuriti kerajaan. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata government


JudulPenerbitKeluaranTahun TerbitISBN
Government by committeeOxford at the Clarendon PressTiada1955 
Government and politics of the PhilippinesOxford University PressTiada19880195888715
Government and politics of MalaysiaOxford University PressTiada19870195826566
Government of Perlis Tiada[t.thn.] 
Government and public enterprise in developing countriesInstitut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN)Tiada1982 
Government by the peoplePrentice HallTiada1956 
Government archives in South Asia :Cambridge University PressTiada1969 
Government and politics in MalaysiaHoughton MifflinTiada1967 
Government in Our LandMacMillan and Company Ltd.Tiada1967 
Government and nationalism in Southeast AsiaAms PressTiada1942 

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