Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : n 1. the act of governing, rule, kerajaan: ~ of the people by the people for the people, kerajaan rakyat oleh rakyat utk rakyat; 2. system of ruling, sistem pemerintahan, kerajaan: a democratic ~, kerajaan demokratik; 3. ruling body, kerajaan: to form a new ~, membentuk kerajaan baru; the Malaysian ~, kerajaan Malaysia; 4. the state as well as its administration, kerajaan: he works for the G~, dia bekerja dgn kerajaan; a ~ agency, agensi kerajaan; ~ securities, sekuriti kerajaan. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
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Artikel Akhbar

Government's duty to protect its citizensTiadaStar05.11.1986
Government firm on teaching subjects in EnglishZubaidah Abu BakarNew Straits Times22.10.2002
Mahathir defends government policiesMahathir MohamadThe Star19.09.1986
Decision on government scholars soonTiadaNew Straits Times11.03.1998
'Johor Umno going against government'TiadaNew Straits Times06.11.2006
Protection for work made by Government servantsTiadaThe Sunday Mail11.10.1987
Opposition must be encouraged in the governmentTiadaMalay Mail24.07.1958
NUTP asks for free textbooks in government schoolsAkhbar:  New Straits Times13.09.2002
Ministry to produce, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka to be sole publisher:Text book; government takes overde Paul, VincentNew Straits Times11.07.1996

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