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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata hard crack

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

hard~ luck, (colloq) nasib tak baik; ~ luck story, kisah malang; a ~ nut to crack, /orang, sst/ yg sukar + approp v: the problem of unemployment is a ~ nut to crack, masalah pengangguran ialah sst yg sukar diatasi; my mother-in-law is a ~ nut to crack, ibu mertua saya ialah orang yg sukar dipujuk; the ~ way, a. the least convenient method etc, dgn cara yg /susah, sukar/: even though there are so many electrical gadgets in the house she prefers to do things the ~ way, walaupun terdapat banyak alat elektrik di rumah, dia lebih suka bekerja dgn cara yg sukar; b. by going through bitter experience, setelah melalui pengalaman pahit: she rose to her present position the ~ way, dia naik ke kedudukannya sekarang setelah melalui pengalaman pahit; take a ~ look at st, examine st closely, mengkaji sst secara mendalam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crack~ a bottle, minum-minum; ~ a joke, berjenaka, berseloroh; ~ a smile, tersenyum; ~ o’s knuckles, /mematah-matahkan, meletupkan-letupkan/ jari; ~ the case, find solution to, menyelesaikan kes; ~ the code, /memecahkan, menghuraikan/ kod; ~ the problem, memecahkan masalah; ~ the whip, a. melecutkan cemeti; b. (fig.) bertindak keras: everyone begins to work hard when he ~s the whip, semua orang mula bekerja kuat apabila dia bertindak keras; get ~ing, (colloq) mulakan dgn segera;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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