Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : = ~ penyemat jarum utk menyemat baju dll; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata jarum peniti

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

pinprickn 1. hole made by pin, kesan tusukan (jarum) peniti: she made a lot of fuss about the wound which was actually no more than a ~, dia membuat kecoh ttg luka yg sebenarnya cuma kesan tusukan jarum; 2. minor irritation, /hal, perkara/ tetek-bengek: to him such hurtful remarks were merely ~, padanya kata-kata yg menyakitkan hati itu hanyalah hal tetek-bengek; 3. small spot of light, titik: the cave was pitch black save for a few ~s of light, gua itu hitam pekat dan hanya terdapat titik-titik cahaya di dalamnya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pinn 1. thin piece of pointed metal used to fasten things together, (jarum) peniti, penyemat: be careful of the ~s when you try the dress on, berhati-hatilah supaya tdk terkena peniti semasa kamu mencuba baju itu; 2. (US) brooch, kerongsang: a very pretty ~, kerongsang yg cantik; 3. badge, lencana pin: he fastened the ~ on the lapel of his suit, dia menyematkan lencana pin pd lapel bajunya; 4. (in bowling) pin;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
scratch4. injure by rubbing against skin, mencalarkan; (accidentally) tercalar: the pins left in the dress ~ed her hand as she took it off, tangannya tercalar ketika dia menanggalkan jarum peniti yg tertinggal di baju itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pointn 1. sharp end of knife etc, mata; (of needle) hujung: she pricked me with the ~ of the needle, dia mencucuk saya dgn hujung jarum; the ~ of a pin, hujung jarum peniti; 2.cape, promontory, tanjung: the submarines will rendezvous off the ~ at 23 hours, kapal-kapal selam itu akan bertemu berhampiran dgn tanjung tersebut pd jam 23; 3. dot used in writing, a. full stop, noktah, (tanda) titik: place a ~ at the end of your sentence and begin the next with a capital letter, bubuh noktah di hujung ayat kamu dan mulakan ayat lain dgn huruf besar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pin-pointn 1. point of a pin, mata /peniti, jarum/; 2. st very small, titik: the star looks like a ~ of light, bintang itu kelihatan spt suatu titik cahaya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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