Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

roughadj 1. not smooth, kesat, kasar: the cloth is ~ to the touch, kain itu kesat apabila disentuh; ~ hands, tangan yg kasar; 2. not level, lekuk-lekak: a ~ road, jalan yg lekuk-lekak; 3. shaggy, hairy, kesat, kasar: ~ skin, kulit kasar; a dog with ~ fur, anjing yg berbulu kesat; 4. stormy, violent, bergelora; (of wind) kencang: ~ seas, laut yg bergelora; a ~ voyage to the island, pelayaran yg bergelora ke pulau itu; 5. not gentle, kasar: ~ behaviour, perangai yg kasar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
servietten (UK), (cloth) kain napkin; (paper) kertas kesat mulut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
napkinn 1. also table napkin, napkin; (of paper) kertas kesat tangan; 2. diaper, kain lampin, napkin.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
coarseadj 1. rough-textured, not fine, kasar: the ~ skin of her hands, kulit tangannya yg kasar; curtains made of ~ fabric, langsir yg dibuat drpd kain yg kasar; his moustache was ~ and black, misainya kasar dan hitam; ~ sugar, gula kasar; 2. (of food) common, plain, biasa: ~ wine, wain biasa; 3. unrefined, kasar: his ~ manner put me off, gayanya yg kasar membuat saya berasa meluat; 4. indelicate, crude, kasar; (of language, words) kasar, kesat: his jokes are always ~, jenakanya selalunya kasar; your ~ remarks offended some of the guests, kata-katamu yg kesat itu menyakiti hati sesetengah tamu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
harshadj 1. unpleasant, grating to the senses, a. (rel to texture) kasar: that material is too ~ for the baby to wear, kain itu terlalu kasar utk dipakai oleh bayi; b. (of colour) garang: the room was decorated in ~ colours, bilik itu dihiasi dgn warna-warna yg garang; c. (of light) menyilaukan mata: in the ~ light, dlm cahaya yg menyilaukan mata; d. (of voice) kasar, garau; e. (of sound) menyakitkan telinga; 2. severe, hard, a. (of person, person’s action) keras: he is very ~ with his children, dia terlalu keras dgn anak-anaknya; the punishment was too ~, hukuman itu terlalu keras; b. (of face, features) cenge, garang; c. (of words etc) kasar, kesat; d. (of weather etc) teruk: the ~ polar weather, cuaca kutub yg teruk; e. (of life, condition) penuh kepayahan: the ~ life of a nomad, hidup nomad yg penuh kepayahan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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