Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

shotadj; ~ silk , (kain) sutera siang malam; ~ through with st, diresapi sst: a system ~ through with graft and corruption, sistem yg diresapi sogokan dan rasuah; ~ with st, streaked, variegated, berselang-seli dgn sst: black hair ~ with grey, rambut hitam yg berselang-seli dgn uban.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
smooth a ~, silky material, kain yg licin spt kain sutera; a baby’s skin is as ~ and soft as rose-petal, kulit bayi selicin dan selembut kelopak mawar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crushvi 1. become crumpled, renyuk, ronyok: silk ~es easily, kain sutera mudah renyuk; 2. press, move forward by squeezing or crowding, berasak-asak, berhimpit-himpit: they all tried to ~ through the gate, mereka semua berasak-asak hendak masuk melalui pintu pagar itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
back4. make a backing for, melapik, melapisi: to ~ silk with stiffened cotton, melapik kain sutera dgn kain kapas yg telah dikeraskan; b. form the background of, /merupakan, menjadi/ latar belakang: the hills that ~ed the village, bukit-bukau yg merupakan latar belakang kampung itu; 6. endorse, mengesahkan: to ~ a bill, mengesahkan bil; 7. bet on, bertaruh pd, memasang taruh pd, menaruhi: they were fortunate to have ~ed the winning horse in the race, mereka beruntung krn telah bertaruh pd kuda yg menang dlm perlumbaan itu; ~ the /right, wrong/ horse, menyokong + approp n yg /menang, kalah/;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
silk 2. cloth made from this, kain sutera; 3. (in pl) clothes made from silk, pakaian sutera; 4. substance similar to this produced by other insects, sawang; 5. long brown threads on corn, maize, bulu jagung;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
print4. mark (textile) with design, mencetak: the silk is ~ed with a design of green leaves, kain sutera itu dicetak dgn corak daun-daun hijau; 5. (photog) produce from negative, mencuci; 6. make impression on surface, tertera: the rattan chair had ~ed a pattern of lines at the back of his legs, bekas garis-garis tertera di belakang kakinya krn terlalu lama duduk di kerusi rotan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
thinadj 1. having small extent between opposite surfaces, nipis, tipis; (of wire, thread, etc) halus: a piece of ~ silk, sehelai kain sutera yg nipis; the meat is cut in ~ slices, daging itu dipotong nipis; a ~ layKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
re-covervt provide with a new cover, memberi tutup baru, menutupi semula: the cushions have all been ~ed in blue silk, kusyen-kusyen itu semuanya telah ditutupi semula dgn kain sutera biru.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fabricn 1. cloth, kain, fabrik: a beautiful silk ~, kain sutera yg cantik; 2. texture, daging (kain): a batik cloth of fine ~, kain batik yg halus dagingnya; 3. structure, a. rangka (bangunan), struktur: measures to preserve the ~ of the old building, langkah-langkah utk memelihara rangka bangunan lama itu; b. (fig.) struktur, susunan: the ~ of society, struktur masyarakat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
squaren, 1. figure with four equal sides meeting at angles of 90o,, segi empat sama; 2. st of this shape,, bentuk empat segi; (if it is one of many squares making up a whole), petak: she cut out a ~ of silk,, dia memotong kain sutera dlm bentuk empat segi; the ~s of a chessboard,, petak-petak papan catur;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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