Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[kam.pit] | کامڤيت

Definisi : sj sumpit atau beg yg dianyam drpd daun mengkuang dll; kampil I. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[kam.pit] | کامڤيت

Definisi : sl; kayu ~ sj tumbuhan (pokok dan kayunya yg biasa digunakan utk membuat cap raja-raja). (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[kam.pit] | کامڤيت

Definisi : karung yg dianyam drpd mengkuang dll. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
kampit (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan kampit, kambut, kantung, jaras, karung, keranjang, sumpit, buntil, guni, ambung, pundi, raga, bakul, rombong, wadah.,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

burst~ with, a. be so full as to almost break open, overflow, penuh padat dgn; (with people) penuh sesak dgn: sacks ~ing with corn, kampit yg penuh padat dgn jagung; the department stores were ~ing with last minute shoppers, gedung serbaneka penuh sesak dgn pembeli saat-saat akhir; b. be full of (joy, enthusiasm, etc) terlalu, amat: she was ~ing with happiness, dia terlalu gembira; ~ing with impatience, tdk sabar-sabar lagi; c. show abundance of (energy, vitality, etc) penuh, sangat: to be ~ing with vitality, penuh bertenaga; ~ing with health, segar-bugar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
spill 1 vi also ~ out, tumpah: take care that the coffee does not ~, hati-hati supaya kopi itu tdk tumpah; the bag broke, and the sugar spilt on the floor, kampit itu pecah dan gula tumpah di lantai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bagn 1. container with handle used for carrying etc, beg: all ~s are to be left at the counter, semua beg hendaklah ditinggalkan di kaunter; the car keys are in my ~, kunci kereta ada di dlm beg saya; 2. container without handle used for holding, storing things etc, a. (gen) beg: cement ~s, beg simen; b. (if small) bungkus; (plaited) sumpit, kampit; c. (if large, sack-like) karung; (slightly smaller in size) kampit; (made from jute) guni, karung;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
place/mempunyai, berada dlm/ kedudukan: the Ambassador is well ~ to report on the situation, Duta besar berada dlm kedudukan yg baik utk melaporkan keadaan itu; the two countries were very similarly ~d in regard to their economic activities, kedua-dua negara itu mempunyai kedudukan yg sama dr segi kegiatan ekonomi; 9. make, a. (order) membuat: the bakery ~d an order for a hundred bags of flour, kedai roti itu membuat pesanan seratus kampit tepung; b. (bet) membuat, memasang: they were asked to ~ their bets as soon as possible, mereka diminta memasang taruhan seberapa cepat yg boleh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dull3. not bright, rather dark, (of colour) suram, sebam; (of light) suram, buram: the ~ yellow of old gold, warna kuning suram emas lama; there was a ~ glow in the night sky, terdapat cahaya suram di langit malam; 4. overcast, suram: the sky was ~ all day, langit suram sepanjang hari; 5. not clear, bengap, tdk jelas: there was a ~ thud as the bag of rice fell to the floor, kedengaran bunyi bengap apabila kampit beras itu jatuh ke lantai; ~ of hearing, lemah pendengaran; 6. blunt, tumpul, majal: the ~ edge of the knife, mata pisau yg tumpul; 7. (of pain, ache) not sharp, tdk mencucuk; 8. slow in understanding, learning, etc,Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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