Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ki.lo] | کيلو -

Definisi : awalan asing seribu (1000), mis kilometer, kilohertz dan kilogram. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata kilo-

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

kilopref kilo: ~ cycle, kilokitar; ~ volt, kilovolt; ~ watt, kilowatt.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
kilon (short for kilogram) kilo.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
by9. (indic basis of calculation, reckoning, measurement, etc) mengikut, /berasaskan, berdasarkan/ kiraan: she is paid ~ the hour, dia dibayar mengikut jam; beef is sold ~ the kilo, daging dijual mengikut kilo; cloth is now sold ~ the metre and not ~ the yard, kain kini dijual berasaskan kiraan meter dan tdk lagi mengikut kiraan ela; 10. (in oaths) invoking the name of, dgn nama: to swear ~ Almighty God, bersumpah dgn nama Tuhan Yang Maha Besar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
shelledadj 1. having a specified shell, berkulit: soft ~ crabs, ketam berkulit lembut; 2. having had the shell removed, dikopek, dikupas: half a kilo of ~ almonds, setengah kilo badam dikopek.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
perprep se: these durians cost six ringgit ~ kilo, durian ini berharga enam ringgit sekilo; thirty miles ~ gallon, tiga puluh batu segelen; two ringgit ~ person, dua ringgit seorang; how many books can you publish ~ year?, berapa banyak buku yg boleh saudara terbitkan setahun?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
a, anthree times ~ week, tiga kali seminggu; ~ kilo, sekilo; ~ whole bottle of tomato ketchup, sos tomato sebotol penuh; ~ spoonful of sugar, sesudu gula; ~ group of tourists,, /sekumpulan, serombongan/ pelancong; ~ million passengers, sejuta penumpang; ~ dozen, sedozen; ~ half, setengah; ~ half-hour, half ~n hour, setengah jam; ~ third of my income, sepertiga (drpd) pendapatan saya; ~ fifth, seperlima;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
the6. (with units of measurement) per, for each, se-, tiap-tiap: I buy rice here at $10 ~ sack, saya membeli beras di sini dgn harga $10 sekarung; to be paid by ~ /hour, kilo, etc/, dibayar mengikut kadar /jam, kilo, dllKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
shoot~ up, a. increase sharply, melambung naik: coffee shot up to $16.00 a kilo within three months, harga kopi melambung naik kpd $16.00 sekilo dlm masa tiga bulan; b. rise sharply, meluncur naik: the rocket shot up into the sky, roket itu meluncur naik ke langit;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
weightn 1. heaviness, berat: my ~ is 95 kilos, berat saya ialah 95 kilo; apples are sold by ~, epal dijual mengikut berat; it was 2 metres long and 30 pounds in ~, panjangnya 2 meter dan beratnya 30 paun; the chair sagged under his ~, kerusi itu melendut oleh berat badannya; 2. (phys) berat; 3. load to be supported, berat: the pergola collapsed under the ~ of the vine, junjung itu runtuh akibat menampung berat pokok-pokok menjalar; 4. heavy object used to work a mechanism etc, batu timbang: the scales come with their own set of ~s, alat timbang itu lengkap dgn satu set batu timbangnya; a one-pound ~, batu timbang satu paun; 5. object that is heavy, benda berat; (in dress making etc) pemberat: you shouldn’t lift heavy ~s after the operation, kamu tdk harus mengangkat benda berat selepas pembedahan; paper weight, pemberat kertas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
something~ /over, under /, sedikit: each crate weighs ~ over eight kilos, berat setiap peti itu sedikit lebih drpd lapan kilo; ~ to do with, ada kaitan: he’s working on a project that has ~ to do with uranium, dia sedang bekerja dlm sebuah projek yg ada kaitan dgn uranium; or ~, (colloq), [various translations]:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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