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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata let

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

let upn berkurang, mereda: there has been no ~ in the rain all afternoon, hujan sedikit pun tdk mereda tengah hari ini.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
let-downn (colloq) mengecewakan, menghampakan: after all the publicity the show was a real ~, selepas diberi publisiti yg meluas, pertunjukan itu sungguh mengecewakan; be in for a ~, akan (berasa) /kecewa, hampa/: I fear they’re in for a big ~, saya khuatir mereka akan berasa sangat kecewa.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
let 2 without ~ or hindrance, tanpa halangan atau sekatan: to pass from one area to another without ~ or hindrance, melalui satu kawasan ke kawasan yg lain tanpa halangan atau sekatan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
let 1 ~ up, [various translations]: the rain is ~ting up a little now, hujan mulai reda sedikit sekarang ini; we must not ~ up in our efforts to secure their release, kita tdk harus mengurangkan usaha kita utk menjamin pembebasan mereka; ~ up on, (colloq) treat more leniently, berlembut: stop nagging, you’d better ~ up on him a bit, berhentilah berleter, kamu sepatutnya berlembut sedikit dengannya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
let 1 the goods were ~ through customs without being opened, barang-barang itu lepas drpd pemeriksaan kastam tanpa dibuka; c. (report, person in examination), meluluskan: this time he was ~ through but next time he might not be that lucky, kali ini dia lulus tetapi lain kali mungkin dia tdk begitu bernasib baik; the report has been ~ through without much comment, laporan itu diluluskan tanpa komen yg banyak; d. (errors etc) membiarkan, melepaskan; (unintentionally) terlepas: a number of mistakes were ~ through due to lack of time, beberapa kesilapan terlepas disebabkan kesuntukan waktu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
let 1 ~ through, allow to pass, a. (person) membenarkan [sso] + approp v; (pass.) dibenarkan lepas: the visitors were ~ through the border check-point, pelawat-pelawat dibenarkan lepas di tempat pemeriksaan di sempadan; the public was not ~ through the gates until just before the match started, orang ramai tdk dibenarkan lepas hingga sejurus sebelum perlawanan bermula; b. (st), (act.) melepaskan; (pass.) lepas:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
let 1 c. loosen st, melonggarkan sst: having eaten too much he had to ~ out his belt, oleh sebab makan terlalu banyak dia terpaksa melonggarkan tali pinggangnya; d. enlarge garment, membesarkan sst; (seam) mengecilkan sst: the skirt needs ~ting out, skirt ini perlu dibesarkan; she ~ out the seam a little, dia mengecilkan kelim itu sedikit; e. reveal, divulge (information etc) mendedahkan sst: while chatting to friends she ~ the story out quite unintentionally, semasa berbual-bual dgn kawan dia mendedahkan cerita itu tanpa disedari; f. see vt (sense 4.); ~ out /cry, yell, etc/, menjerit: she ~ out a loud scream, dia menjerit kuat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
let 1 b. release, membebaskan: he was ~ out of jail after three months, dia dibebaskan dr penjara selepas tiga bulan; c. (colloq) release from duty, obligation, terlepas: as John will be taking over the job, this ~s me out nicely, saya terlepas krn John akan mengambil alih tugas itu; ~ st out, a. allow st to leave, melepaskan sst: he ~ the horse out of the stable, dia melepaskan kuda itu dr kandang; b. allow st to flow out, melepaskan sst; (unintentionally) sst keluar: he ~ the air out of the children’s rubber rings, dia melepaskan udara dr pelampung kanak-kanak itu; all the hot water has been ~ out, semua air panas itu telah dilepaskan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
let 1 ~ os out, leave place, keluar: he ~ himself out through the window, dia keluar melalui tingkap; ~ so. out, a. allow so. to leave, membenarkan sso keluar; (by escorting to the door) membawa sso keluar: he wouldn’t ~ me out of the house, dia tdk membenarkan saya keluar; I’m busy upstairs, will you ~ the plumber out, saya sibuk di tingkat atas, bolehkah kamu bawa tukang paip itu keluar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
let 1 ~ on, a. allow to get on (vehicle) membenarkan [sso] naik: as the bus was full, no one else was ~ on, krn bas sudah penuh, tdk sesiapa pun dibenarkan naik; b. (colloq) cakap: please don’t ~ on that I was there, tolong jangan cakap saya ada di sana;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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