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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata light intensity

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

strength4. intensity (of light, sound, etc) kekuatan, kuat: the ~ of the light made his eyes water, kekuatan cahaya itu menyebabkan matanya berair; the sound increased in ~ until it became almost deafening, kekuatan bunyi itu bertambah kuat hingga memekakkan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
respondthe pupil of the eye ~s to changes in the intensity of light, anak mata bergerak balas thdp perubahan dlm keamatan cahaya; children ~ to kindness, kanak-kanak memberikan respons thdp kebaikan; the boat did not ~ to the helm, bot itu tdk mengikut apabila dikemudikan; many people ~ed to the committee’s appeal, ramai orang yg menyambut baik rayuan jawatankuasa itu; 4. (of disease etc) react to treatment, berkesan: the injured knee has ~ed well to physiotherapy, fisioterapi itu begitu berkesan thdp lututnya yg cedera.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
light 2 4. slight in degree, intensity, a. (of rain) renyai-renyai: she walked in the ~ rain all the way home from school, dia berjalan dlm hujan renyai-renyai sepanjang perjalanan pulang dr sekolah; b. (of touch, knock, etc) perlahan: she gave him a ~ tap on the shoulder, dia menepuk perlahan bahu lelaki itu; c. (of footsteps) perlahan: he walked with ~ steps into the sick-room, dia berjalan dgn langkah yg perlahan masuk ke bilik sakit;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
light 2 4. slight in degree, intensity, a. (of rain) renyai-renyai: she walked in the ~ rain all the way home from school, dia berjalan dlm hujan renyai-renyai sepanjang perjalanan pulang dr sekolah; b. (of touch, knock, etc) perlahan: she gave him a ~ tap on the shoulder, dia menepuk perlahan bahu lelaki itu; c. (of footsteps) perlahan: he walked with ~ steps into the sick-room, dia berjalan dgn langkah yg perlahan masuk ke bilik sakit;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
low 1 4. below usual quantity, quality, intensity, etc, rendah; (of light) suram, kelam, malap; (of flame) kecil: steps are being taken to improve the ~ health standards in the country, langkah-langkah telah diambil utk membaiki taraf kesihatan yg rendah di negeri itu; he bought the shares at a ~ price, dia membeli saham itu dgn harga yg rendah; ~ quality building materials, bahan-bahan binaan bangunan yg rendah mutunya; ~ cost housing, rumah kos rendah; she has a ~ opinion of him, dia memandang rendah thdp lelaki itu; ~ morals, moral yg rendah; all the lights were ~, semua lampu itu suram; this should be cooked on a ~ flame, ini harus dimasak dgn api yg kecil;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lower 1 vi 1. diminish in intensity or pitch, a. (of light) menjadi /malap, suram/; b. (of voice) merendah: they noticed that I was listening to them and their voices immediately ~ed, mereka menyedari bahawa saya mendengar perbualan mereka lalu suara mereka merendah; 2. sink, descend, a. (of water level) surut: the level of water in the dam has ~ed, paras air di empangan itu telah surut; b. (of price, value) turun, jatuh: the prices have ~ed considerably in the past year, harga telah turun dgn banyaknya dlm satu tahun ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
intensity4. (of work of art) penuh perasaan: a painting of dramatic ~, lukisan yg penuh perasaan; 5. extremely bright or deep, a. (of colour), terangnya; b. (of light), /terlalu, sangat/ terang; (of sunlight) teriknya; 6. strenuosness of effort, kehebatan, hebat(nya): the campaign against illiteracy was waged with ~ by those involved, kempen utk membasmi buta huruf dilaksanakan dgn hebatnya oleh mereka yg terlibat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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