Maklumat Kata

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Cubalah abang naik rakit,
     Naik kereta pergi ke hulu;
Bolehlah abang tolong sedikit,
     Supaya adik bolehlah tahu.

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Sirih naik,
     junjungan naik.

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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

non-startern (colloq), (fig.) langsung tak boleh jalan; (of person), (orang yg) tak naik-naik: this project looks like a ~ as too many parties are involved, projek ini nampaknya langsung tak boleh jalan krn terlalu banyak pihak yg terlibat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jumplain; impatient to find out how the story ended, she ~ed to the last chapter, krn tdk sabar utk mengetahui kesudahan cerita itu, dia melompat ke bab akhir; 6. rise suddenly, melambung naik, /meningkat, bertambah/ dgn /tiba-tiba, mendadak/; (of price, rent, etc), /melambung, melompat/ naik, naik dgn /tiba-tiba, mendadak/: exports ~ed last year, eksport melambung naik tahun lepas; the population ~ed to 16,000,000, jumlah penduduk meningkat dgn tiba-tiba ke 16,000,000; due to the sudden increase in demand, the price of palm oil ~ed sharply, oleh sebab permintaan bertambah dgn tiba-tiba, harga minyak sawit melambung naik; 7. (of heart) berdebar-debar: her heart ~ed at the sight of him, hatinya berdebar-debar apabila terpandang lelaki itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
swell 3. cause (river etc) to surge, (act.) menyebabkan [sst] naik; (pass.) naik: the waters of the river, swollen by heavy rain, overflowed onto the surrounding countryside, disebabkan hujan lebat, air sungai itu naik sehingga melimpahi kawasan desa di sekelilingnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ascendvi 1. go or move up, naik: he ~ed slowly to the top of the hill, dia naik perlahan-lahan ke puncak bukit itu; the mist ~ed from the valley, kabus naik dr lembah itu; cheers broke out as the balloon ~ed, orang ramai bertepuk sorak apabila belon itu mula naik; 2. slope upwards, mendaki, menanjak, naik meninggi: the path ~ed steeply, jalan itu mendaki dgn curamnya; the mountain ~ed to 5,000 metres, gunung itu menanjak sehingga ke paras 5,000 meter; 3. rise (in rank, level, degree, etc) naik: when he ~ed in rank..., apabila dia naik pangkat...; ~ to power, mula berkuasa: he ~ed to power at a time when the country was in great turmoil, dia mula berkuasa ketika negara itu dlm keadaan kacau-bilau; 4. rise in pitch, meninggi: the singer’s voice ~ed to a high C, suara penyanyi itu meninggi ke nada C tinggi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ascendingadj 1. rising upwards, sedang naik: the ~ smoke drifted westward, asap yg sedang naik itu beredar ke barat; 2. sloping upwards, mendaki, memanjat, naik meninggi: an ~ footpath, jalan kecil yg mendaki; 3. (of plant) menaik, menjalar naik: an ~ stem,batang tumbuhan yg menaik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
risethe temperature is rising, suhu sedang meningkat; b. (in height, level) naik; (of tide) pasang: the river has ~n to dangerous levels, air sungai itu naik ke paras bahaya; the tide is rising, air sedang pasang; 8. ascend, naik: a column of smoke rose in the air, sekepul asap naik ke udara; she felt the blood rising to her cheeks, dia rasa darah naik ke pipinya; 9. (of bread etc) swell up, naik: the yeast makes the dough ~, yis menjadikan doh itu naik; 10. form, timbul; (of tears) terbit, keluar: a blister rose on his heel, lecur timbul di tumitnya; tears rose to her eyes, air matanya keluar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
wearyvi; ~ of st, (naik) /bosan, jemu/ dgn sst: ~ of his wife’s nagging, he went to bed, bosan dgn leteran isterinya, dia pun masuk tidur; ~ of waiting for promotion, he resigned, naik bosan menunggu naik pangkat, dia pun berhenti kerja;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
rise11. become visible above the surroundings, naik menjulang: a building rose into view in the distance, sebuah bangunan naik menjulang di kejauhan; 12. come to the surface, timbul, naik: the fish rose to the bait, ikan itu timbul memakan umpan; bubbles rose from the bottom of the bath, gelembung-gelembung timbul dr dasar tempat mandi itu; 13. (of sound, voice) go up in pitch, meninggi, menaik: his voice rose as he became angry, suaranya meninggi sewaktu dia naik marah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
shoot~ up, a. increase sharply, melambung naik: coffee shot up to $16.00 a kilo within three months, harga kopi melambung naik kpd $16.00 sekilo dlm masa tiga bulan; b. rise sharply, meluncur naik: the rocket shot up into the sky, roket itu meluncur naik ke langit;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
aboard/climb, come, get, go/ ~, naik (ke + approp n): all the passengers have gone ~, semua penumpang telah naik ke kapal; take so. ~, membawa sso naik (ke + approp n); take st ~, menaikkan sst (ke + approp n);Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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