Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : bp agak gila, kurang siuman; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

Definisi : agak gila; kurang siuman. 5 berat sebelah (bkn hukuman); tidak adil. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
otak (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan fikiran, akal, benak, minda;,
Kata Terbitan : berotak,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Allnot ~ there, slightly crazy (colloq) tiga suku, otak miring: he’s not ~ there, dia tiga suku; of ~ (foll superl adj), [not translated]: this film is the best of ~, filem inilah yg paling baik; of ~ /people, things, etc/, pula: why does he want to mend his bicycle in the bathroom of ~ places?, mengapa di bilik air pula dia hendak membaiki basikalnya?; it was my mother, of ~ people!, ibu pula (yg datang)!; once and for ~, a. forever, utk selama-lamanya; b. for the last time, utk kali yg terakhir.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
rightall ~, baiklah: “Do you want to go?” “All ~!”, “Kamu hendak pergi?” “Baiklah”; be on the ~ side of forty etc, belum sampai: he is still on the ~ side of fifty, umurnya belum sampai 50 tahun or dia belum sampai 50 tahun; do the / ~, wrong/ thing, buat yg /betul, salah/; get on the ~ side of so., mendapat perhatian baik sso; get st ~, faham betul-betul; keep on the ~ side of /so., st/, mengekalkan pandangan baik /sso, sst/: I want to keep on the ~ side of the boss, saya mahu mengekalkan pandangan baik bos saya thdp saya; not in o’s ~ mind, tdk waras; not (quite) ~ in /the, o’s/ head, (colloq) otak miring; /put, set/ so. ~, membetulkan anggapan sso: I will put you ~ on this matter, saya akan membetulkan anggapan kamu ttg hal ini; /put, set/ st ~, membetulkan sst: I’ve just set my clock ~, saya baru saja membetulkan jam saya; when the time is ~, apabila /tepat, kena, sesuai/ /masanya, waktunya/;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
barmyadj (sl) tiga suku, otak [sso] miring: he is ~, dia itu tiga suku or otaknya miring.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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