Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

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Definisi : ceruk, penjuru, pojok, sudut: Sumatera menggantikan Melaka pd tahun 1568, sbg pusat perkembangan agama Islam ke seluruh ~ Nusantara; ke ~-~ = ke segala (seluruh) ~ sehingga ke tempat yg jauh-jauh. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

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Definisi : tempat yg di merata-rata letaknya; ceruk; rantau: Beliau telah menjelajah ke seluruh ~ negeri. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
pelosok (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan ceruk, penjuru, pojok, sudut, pelojok, jorong.,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

length~ and breadth, (of certain area or country) serata /pelosok, ceruk rantau/: he had travelled the ~ and breadth of the country in the course of his work, dia telah pergi ke serata pelosok negeri ini krn menjalankan tugasnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
length~ and breadth, (of certain area or country) serata /pelosok, ceruk rantau/: he had travelled the ~ and breadth of the country in the course of his work, dia telah pergi ke serata pelosok negeri ini krn menjalankan tugasnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
personagen person of importance or distinction , orang ternama: many ~s from all over the world attended the royal wedding , ramai orang ternama dr seluruh pelosok dunia yg menghadiri majlis perkahwinan diraja itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cornern 1. point, place where two sides meet, sudut, penjuru, bucu: a square has four ~s, segi empat tepat mempunyai empat sudut; in a ~ of the room, di suatu sudut bilik itu; there was a speck of dust in the ~ of her eye, ada habuk melekat di sudut matanya; 2. bend, selekoh (jalan): a sharp ~, selekoh tajam; the car disappeared around the ~, kereta itu menghilang di selekoh jalan; 3. nook, ceruk, pelosok: the money was hidden in odd ~s of the house, wang itu tersorok di ceruk sana ceruk sini rumah itu; people came from all ~s of the country, orang datang dr setiap pelosok tanah air; 4. also corner – kick, tendangan /penjuru, sudut/; 5. also corner – hit, pukulan sudut; 6. (econ) monopoli pasaran;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dispatchn 1. act of sending, penghantaran, pengiriman: the ~ of troops to the border, penghantaran askar ke sempadan; 2. official message, perutusan rasmi: the White House receives ~es from all over the world, Rumah Putih menerima perutusan rasmi dr seluruh pelosok dunia; 3. report sent to newspaper, laporan, hantaran;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cornerin a tight ~, dlm keadaan terdesak; /look, glance/ at so. out of the ~ of o’s eye, mengerling (dr /sudut, ekor/ mata); make a ~ in, memonopoli pasaran; out of the ~ of o’s eye, dr /sudut, ekor/ mata: I noticed out of the ~ of my eye that someone had entered the room, dr sudut mata, saya ternampak ada orang masuk ke bilik itu; the four ~s of the /earth, world/, seluruh /ceruk rantau, pelosok dunia/; turn the ~, (after an illness, crisis, etc), (approp n +) pulih: he had been ill for a long time, but turned the ~ after the operation, dia sudah lama sakit, tetapi keadaannya pulih selepas pembedahan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lustn 1. strong sexual desire, nafsu /syahwat, berahi/, (hawa) nafsu: it seemed that his ~ was never satisfied, nampaknya hawa nafsunya tdk pernah puas; /gaze, look, etc/ with ~, memandang dgn penuh /nafsu, berahi, ghairah/; 2. extreme craving, nafsu, keghairahan, keinginan yg /kuat, keras/: his insatiable ~ for power caused his downfall, keghairahan utk berkuasa yg tdk pernah puas telah menyebabkan kejatuhannya; her ~ for travel and adventure took her to the remote corners of the world, keinginannya yg kuat utk mengembara telah membawanya ke pelosok dunia yg terpencil;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
endmake (both) ~s meet,that has helped me no ~, itu banyak menolong saya; no ~ of, (colloq ), [various translations]: I had no ~ of work, saya ada banyak kerja; it’ll cost me no ~ of money, harganya tinggi; no ~ of os, menganggap diri sso besar: she thinks no ~ of herself, dia menganggap dirinya besar; on ~, continuously, [no specif translation]: she talks for hours on ~, dia bercakap berjam-jam lamanya; he claimed he could go without food for weeks on ~, dia mengatakan bahawa dia tahan tdk makan berminggu-minggu lamanya; place st on (its) ~, menegakkan sst; /put, make/ an ~ to, menghentikan; the ~s of the earth, segala /pelosok dunia, ceruk rantau/; without ~, tdk /putus-putus, henti-hentinya, habis-habis/;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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