Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : n person of importance or distinction , orang ternama: many ~s from all over the world attended the royal wedding , ramai orang ternama dr seluruh pelosok dunia yg menghadiri majlis perkahwinan diraja itu. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata personage

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

personagen person of importance or distinction , orang ternama: many ~s from all over the world attended the royal wedding , ramai orang ternama dr seluruh pelosok dunia yg menghadiri majlis perkahwinan diraja itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
person4. type of personage, jenis orang: I’m not an adventurous ~ myself, saya bukan jenis orang yg suka mengembara; 5.human being, a. (fml), (if known) seseorang: a certain ~ informed me about what was going on here, ada seseorang tertentu yg memberitahu saya ttg apa yg sedang berlaku di sini; b. (if unspecified) sesiapa: any ~ wishing to participate please register your name, sesiapa yg ingin mengambil bahagian, sila daftarkan nama; 6. (gram.) diri: “I”, “me” and “weare all first ~ pronouns, “I” “me” dan “we” ialah kata gantiKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
present 2 memberikan gambaran yg menyedihkan kpd penghuni yg baru; 5. award or give away formally, /memberikan, menyampaikan/ [sst kpd sso], memberi [sso sst]; (to royal personage) mempersembahkan; the District Officer’s wife ~ed the prizes at the annual sports meet, isteri Pegawai Daerah menyampaikan hadiah di temasya sukan tahunan itu; the child ~ed a bouquet of flowers to the Queen, kanak-kanak itu mempersembahkan karangan bunga kpd Permaisuri; the students ~ed the teacher with a farewell gift, pelajar-pelajar memberi guru itu hadiah perpisahan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
character6. individuality, distinction, /keistimewaan, ciri/ yg tersendiri: this place has ~, tempat ini mempunyai keistimewaan yg tersendiri; 7. good reputation, nama baik: ~ assassination, pencemaran nama baik; 8. personage, tokoh; (in fiction, drama, etc) watak: the great ~s of the century, tokoh-tokoh utama dlm abad itu; the main ~ in the novel, watak utama dlm novel itu; 9. eccentric person, (orang yg) /pelik, ganjil/: he’s a ~, dia pelik orangnya; 10. person, orang: he’s a shady ~, dia orang yg perangainya menyangsikan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
relicn 1. custom, object that still survives from the past, peninggalan: the engraved visiting card is a ~ of Victorian days, kad lawatan yg berukir ialah peninggalan zaman Victoria; 2. st associated with important event, personage of the past, peninggalan: many ~s of the Churchill family are displayed at Bleinheim, banyak peninggalan keluarga Churchill dipamerkan di Bleinheim; 3. remaining part of st old, tinggalan, relik: ~s of the old castle can still be seen on the hillside, tinggalan istana kota lama masih kelihatan di lereng bukit itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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