Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ran] | رن

Definisi : pondok yg dibuat di atas pokok (tempat kediaman orang asli atau tempat pemburu berteduh). (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ran] | رن

Definisi : pondok di atas pokok (tempat berteduh, tempat kediaman orang asli dll). (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Rujuk :pondok

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

run~ into so., terjumpa, /terserempak, terjerempak/ dgn: I ran into an old friend today, saya terjumpa seorang kawan lama hari ini; ~ into st, a. collide with st, merempuh sst: the car ran off the road and ran into a tree, kereta itu terbabas lalu merempuh pokok; b. incur, meet with st, dilanda: the business ran into trouble during the slump, perniagaan itu dilanda kesulitan semasa kemelesetan: he ran into debt through gambling, dia dilanda hutang akibat berjudi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ranpt of RUN.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
runvi 1. move on foot rapidly, berlari: she ran upstairs to get it, dia berlari ke atas utk mendapatkannya; the child ran to meet his father, budak itu berlari utk menemui bapanya; he likes to ~ every evening, dia suka berlari setiap petang; 2. advance by rolling, bergolek: the ball ran to the fence, bola itu bergolek ke pagar; 3. take part in contest, race, berlumba lari: he ran in three events, dia berlumba lari dlm tiga acara; the horse will ~ in the Melbourne Cup, kuda itu akan berlumba lari utk merebut Piala Melbourne;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
run ~ so. through, /merodok, meradak, menusuk/ sso: he ran his opponent through the arm, dia merodok lengan lawannya; ~ st through, a. pierce st, /merodokkan, meradakkan, menusukkan/ sst: he ran the sword through his rival’s arm, dia merodokkan pedang itu pd lengan pesaingnya; b. draw a line through st, menggariskan sst: the teacher ran her pencil through the sentences, guru itu menggariskan ayat-ayat itu dgn penselnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
run~ away with so., lari dgn sso: he ran away with the master’s daughter, dia lari dgn anak perempuan tuannya; ~ away with st, a. steal st, /melarikan, membawa lari/ sst: the secretary ran away with the funds of the club, setiausaha itu melarikan wang kelab itu; b. win easily, menang dgn mudah: the tennis champion ran away with the first set, juara tenis itu menang dgn mudah dlm set pertama; ~ away with one, tdk dapat mengawal:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
run~ through st, a. use up st by foolish spending, memboroskan: he ran through a fortune before he was thirty, dia memboroskan harta sebelum usianya tiga puluh tahun; b. examine st quickly, menengok sst dgn cepat: he ran through the mail at breakfast, dia menengok surat-surat itu dgn cepat semasa sarapan; c. spread quickly, tersebar: a roar of discontent ran through the work-force, perasaan tdk puas hati tersebar di kalangan pekerja-pekerja;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
runvt 1. travel over by running, berlari: he ran a mile in under four minutes, dia berlari sebatu dlm masa kurang drpd empat minit; the horse ran a good race, kuda itu berlari kencang dlm perlumbaan; 2. cause (horse, dog, etc) to compete in a race, mempertandingkan: he is going to ~ his horse in the Derby, dia akan mempertandingkan kudanya dlm perlumbaan Derby; 3. (esp pass.) cause (race) to be staged, diadakan: the race will still be ~, perlumbaan itu akan diadakan juga;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
run14. be wet, a. (with blood) berlumuran: the decks ran with blood, geladak itu berlumuran darah; b. (with sweat) bermandi: he was ~ning with sweat after the race, dia bermandi peluh selepas perlumbaan itu; 15. pass, move, menular: a sharp pain ran down my back, rasa sakit yg menusuk menular di belakang saya; her thoughts ran to the past, fikirannya menular ke masa lampau; 16. state, report, (ber)bunyi: the letter ~s as follows..., surat itu berbunyi spt berikut ...; I forget how the next line ~s, saya lupa bagaimana bunyi baris berikutnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hotin ~ pursuit, diburu dgn hebat: the fugitives ran helter-skelter with the police in ~ pursuit, orang buruan itu lari lintang-pukang apabila diburu dgn hebat oleh pihak polis; 7. controversial, hangat, panas: the awarding of government contracts became a ~ political issue, pemberian kontrak kerajaan menjadi isu politik yg hangat; 8. new, recent, hangat, panas; (of scent) masih kuat: ~ news, berita hangat; 9. (of tears) terasa /panas, hangat/: ~ tears ran down her cheeks, air mata yg terasa panas mengalir di pipinya; 10. (of words) pedas; 11. (of stolen goods) panas; 12. (of player) handal: a ~ golfer, pemain golf yg handal;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
also-rann 1. (in horse or dog racing), (approp n) yg tdk /menang, mendapat tempat/; 2. (fig.), (person) orang yg gagal.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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