Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

flop-housen (US) rumah tumpangan murah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pension 2 n rumah tumpangan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
doss-housen (UK), (sl) rumah tumpangan murah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
put~ up, lodge, menumpang, menginap, bermalam: they were forced to ~ up at the local inn, mereka terpaksa bermalam di rumah tumpangan di situ; ~ so. up, a. accomodate so., (fml) memberi sso penginapan: can you ~ me up for two nights?, bolehkah tuan memberi saya penginapan utk dua malam?; b. propose as candidate, mencalonkan sso, menamakan sso sbg calon: every party ~ up a candidate in the Prime Minister’s electorate, setiap parti menamakan seorang calon di kawasan pilihan raya Perdana Menteri;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
overflown 1. that which flows over, limpahan; (of specif group of people) approp n + selebihnya: the ~ from the gutter, limpahan dr talang; satellite towns built to take the ~ of population, bandar-bandar satelit yg dibina utk menampung limpahan penduduk; during the peak seasons, lodging houses accomodated the ~ from the hotels, semasa musim puncak, rumah-rumah tumpangan memberikan penginapan kpd tetamu hotel yg selebihnya; 2. pipe or passage that allows excess liquid to flow out, paip limpahan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
landladyn 1. woman who lets out room, house, wanita tuan rumah: her ~ is very fussy, wanita tuan rumahnya begitu cerewet; 2. woman who owns, runs a pub etc , wanita tuan punya + approp n: the ~ is at the counter downstairs, wanita tuan punya rumah tumpangan ini berada di kaunter tingkat bawah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
landladyn 1. woman who lets out room, house, wanita tuan rumah: her ~ is very fussy, wanita tuan rumahnya begitu cerewet; 2. woman who owns, runs a pub etc , wanita tuan punya + approp n: the ~ is at the counter downstairs, wanita tuan punya rumah tumpangan ini berada di kaunter tingkat bawah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
appointedadj 1. selected for position, etc, dilantik; (of committee, task force, etc) ditubuhkan: a newly ~ member, ahli yg baharu dilantik; 2. fixed (of time, place, etc) ditentukan, ditetapkan: at the ~ hour, pd masa yg ditetapkan; 3. fitted out, furnished, dilengkapi: the doctor’s surgery was well ~, bilik bedah doktor itu dilengkapi dgn baik; a boarding house that is rather badly ~, rumah tumpangan yg tdk dilengkapi dgn baik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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