Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

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Definisi : sesuai (dgn), setuju: sesungguhnya perbualan secara begini, sangat tidak sebulu dan ~ dgn Jamilah; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata secocok

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

correspondvi 1. usu ~ /with, to/, be in harmony, be compatible, secocok: his actions do not ~ with his words, tindakan-tindakannya tdk secocok dgn kata-katanya; his expenses do not ~ to his income, perbelanjaannya tdk secocok dgn pendapatannya; the description given by the witness does not ~ with the newspaper report, keterangan yg diberikan oleh saksi tdk secocok dgn laporan akhbar; 2. be similar or equivalent, sama (+ approp n): the American Congress ~s to the British Parliament, Kongres Amerika sama fungsinya spt Parlimen British; there’s no one word in Malay that ~s to the word ‘gaudy’, tdk ada satu perkataan dlm bahasa Melayu yg sama ertinya dgn perkataan ‘gaudy’; 3. communicate by letter, /berkirim-kirim(an), berutus-utus/ surat: they have been ~ing for years, mereka telah berkirim-kiriman surat bertahun-tahun lamanya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
suited 2. matched, sepadan, secocok: they are well ~ as business partners, mereka rakan kongsi yg secocok.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hit~ it off, (colloq) secocok, sesuai: the boys ~ it off right from the beginning, budak-budak itu memang secocok sejak mula lagi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
uncongenialadj 1. incompatible, tdk /secocok, sesuai/: ~ room-mates are always at loggerheads, kawan sebilik yg tdk secocok sentiasa bertengkar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
compatibleadj 1. able to live or work together harmoniously, secocok, serasi, bersesuaian, /sesuai, cocok/ antara satu sama lain: her parents were not really ~, ibu bapanya sebenarnya tdk secocok; 2. be able to exist, occur in harmony, bersesuaian, sesuai; (tech) serasi: the image that she has to present is not ~ with her personality, imej yg terpaksa ditampilkannya tdk sesuai dgn keperibadiannya; ~ blood groups, kumpulan darah yg serasi; the printer is not ~ with our computer, pencetak itu tdk serasi dgn komputer kami.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
meshvi 1. interlock, berpanca: the gears ~ed, gear itu telah masuk; 2. harmonize, secocok: our plan ~ed with his, rancangan kami secocok dgn rancangannya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
tunebe put in ~, disetalakan; b. (play or sing) the right note, setala: they are able to sing in ~, mereka boleh menyanyi setala; c. in harmony, secocok, sesuai: the music seemed to be in ~ with her mood, muzik itu nampaknya secocok dgn perasaannya;a young woman in ~ with the age in which she lived, perempuan muda yg secocok dgn zaman hidupnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
correspondencen 1. state of being in harmony, compatibility, kecocokan, secocok: perfect ~ between the music and its lyrics, kecocokan yg sempurna antara muzik dan seni katanya; 2. similarity, persamaan: there is not much ~ between their values and ours, tdk banyak persamaan antara nilai mereka dgn nilai kita; 3. communication by letters, surat-menyurat: official ~, surat-menyurat rasmi; ~ clerk, kerani surat-menyurat; /be in, carry on a, keep up a/ ~ (with so.), /berkirim-kirim(an), berutus-utus/ surat (dgn sso); 4. letters, surat-surat; /learn, teach/ by ~, /belajar, mengajar/ melalui pos.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
incompatibleadj 1. incapable of living, working, etc together, tdk /serasi, secocok, bersesuaian/, tdk /sesuai, cocok/ antara satu sama lain: business partners who are not ~, rakan perniagaan yg tdk sesuai antara satu sama lain; 2. unable to occur, exist etc in harmony, bertentangan; (with each other) bertentangan antara satu sama lain; (tech) tak serasi: his behaviour is ~ with his position, tingkah lakunya bertentangan dgn kedudukannya; ~ ideas, gagasan yg bertentangan antara satu sama lain; ~ colours, warna yg bertentangan antara satu sama lain.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fit14. (match) kena dgn; (suitable for), /sesuai, sepadan, secocok/ dgn; (of punishment, reward, etc) setimpal: his behaviour does not ~ his position, kelakuannya tdk sesuai dgn kedudukannya; the words ~ the music, kata-kata itu sepadan dgn muzik; to make the punishment ~ the crime, menjadikan hukuman setimpal dgn jenayah; 5. make suitable for, adapt, memadankan, menyesuaikan: he does not attempt to ~ his expenditure to his income, dia tdk mencuba memadankan perbelanjaannya dgn pendapatannya; he cut the wood to ~ the hole, dia memotong kayu itu utk memadankannya dgn lubang tersebut; 6. make competent, membuat [sso] sesuai: his long experience will ~ him for this difficult job, pengalamannya yg lama akan membuatnya sesuai utk tugas yg susah ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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