Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[se.lé.koh] | سليکوه

Definisi : (selékoh) lengkok, kelok, liku, siku (jalan, sungai, dll): mereka telah menahan Sani di ~ jalan; ~ kota sudut atau penjuru benteng yg menganjur keluar; berselekoh 1. berbelok, berkelok, berliku (jalan raya, sungai, dll): Sungai Pahang ini ~ ke kanan lalu masuk ke Laut China; 2. = menyelekoh membelok, membengkok, ber-ganti arah: bas itu terhuyung-hayang apabila ~; telengkoh. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[se.lé.koh] | سليکوه

Definisi : /selékoh/ liku pd sungai (jalan dll); kelok. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
selekoh (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan lengkok, kelok, liku, siku, telengkoh, belok, bengkok, enggokan, katelum;,
Kata Terbitan : berselekoh,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

curven 1. smooth, bending line, lengkung(an), lengkok: the ~ of the rainbow, lengkungan pelangi; the ~ of her eyebrows, lengkok alisnya; 2. bend in the road, selekoh: a road full of sharp ~s, jalan yg penuh dgn selekoh-selekoh yg tajam; 3. line representing data on graph, lengkung, keluk: the annual sales performance ~, keluk prestasi jualan tahunan; 4. (in pl) curved parts of woman’s body, potongan badan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bendn 1. curved part, a. (of road) selekoh, siku, liku, kelok, lengkok: a road full of ~s, jalan yg penuh dgn selekoh; b. (of other things) lengkung: the ~ of the handlebar, lengkung gagang basikal; the ~ of the back, lengkung belakang sso; the ~ of an arched window, lengkung tingkap gerbang; 2. act of bending, [various translations]: with a quick ~ of the body, dgn melengkungkan badannya cepat-cepat; with a slight ~ of the knee, dgn membengkokkan kakinya sedikit; put a ~ in st, membengkokkan sst; (go) round the ~, (colloq), (sudah) gila; straighten out a ~ in st, meluruskan sst; take a ~, menyelekoh; there is a ~ in st, sst bengkok: there is a ~ in the curtain rod, alang langsir itu bengkok;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
turn2. change of direction, belokan; (of road) selekoh, liku: he signalled a left-hand ~, dia memberi isyarat belokan ke kiri; the sign warns motorists of sharp ~s in the road, papan tanda itu memberi amaran kpd pemandu ttg selekoh tajam di jalan; no /left, right/ ~, jangan belok /kiri, kanan/;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
brake1vi & vt membrek, menekan brek: he ~d hard at the corner, dia membrek kuat di selekoh itu; he ~d the car to a stop, dia membrek kereta itu hingga berhenti.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
collisionn 1. act, instance of colliding, perlanggaran: the ~ occurred at the corner, perlanggaran itu berlaku di selekoh itu; 2. clash, percanggahan, pertentangan: a ~ of opinions, percanggahan pendapat; 3. (phys) perlanggaran;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
strike as she stood pondering at the street corner it began to rain, so she struck out for the taxi stand, sewaktu dia termenung di selekoh jalan itu, hujan mula turun lalu dia berlari cepat-cepat ke perhentian teksi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
steer 2. capable of being guided, controlled, [various translations]: a vehicle that ~s well on corners, kenderaan yg dapat dikawal dgn baik di selekoh; how does your car ~?, bagaimana kawalan stereng kereta anda?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
derailvt (usu pass.) tergelincir: the train was ~ed as it negotiated the bend, kereta api itu tergelincir sewaktu membelok di selekoh itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
skin keep o’s eye’s /open, peeled, ~ned/, berhati-hati: keep your eyes ~ned for the sharp corner, berhati-hati ketika sampai di selekoh tajam itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hairpinn 1. U-shaped hair clip, cucuk /rambut, sanggul/; 2. (of bend in a road) tajam: ~ bend, selekoh tajam.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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