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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[] | تاتاسوسيلا

Definisi : adat sopan santun dan budi pekerti yg baik. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[] | تاتاسوسيلا

Definisi : adat sopan santun dan budi pekerti yg baik. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
tatasusila (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan sopan santun, budi pekerti, adab, tatatertib, adat, istiadat, tatakrama, basa-basi.,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

faux pasn (sst) yg melanggar /adat, tatasusila/.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
unwrittenadj tdk bertulis: an ~ code of ethics, tatasusila yg tdk bertulis.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
offend~ against, (fml) melanggar: to ~ against good manners, melanggar tatasusila kesopanan; to ~ against the law, melanggar undang-undang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
aberrationn penyimpangan, aberasi: an ~ from the norms of behaviour, penyimpangan drpd norma-norma tatasusila.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ethicaladj 1. of morals, etika: an ~ problem, masalah etika; 2. morally right, /menurut, mengikut/ / etika, tatasusila/: he refused to do it because he felt it was not ~, dia enggan melakukannya krn dia berasa itu tdk mengikut etika.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
transgressvi (fml) also ~ against, a. offend, melanggar (approp n): in some countries you ~ against the rule of social conduct if you belch at table, di beberapa negara, kita melanggar peraturan tatasusila jika kita bersendawa di meja makan; he ~ed again and again, but his boss always forgave him, dia melanggar peraturan berkali-kali tetapi bosnya selalu memaafkannya; b. sin, berdosa;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
canonn 1. established law of church, hukum gereja; 2. (fml) generally accepted rules, principles of behaviour, taste, etc, prinsip, peraturan: according to the ~s of good conduct, menurut prinsip-prinsip tatasusila; 3. list or collection of authentic writings of a certain author, daftar karya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
decencyn 1. propriety, kesopanan: an act that violates ~, satu perbuatan yg melanggar kesopanan; should have the ~ to, sepatutnya: he should have had the ~ to tell his parents where he was going, sepatutnya dia beritahu ibu bapanya ke mana dia hendak pergi; 2. (in pl) social conventions, tatasusila, kesusilaan: to observe the common decencies, mematuhi tatasusila yg lazim.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
close~ by, berhampiran, berdekatan; ~ / on, upon/, almost, hampir: he was ~ on eighty, umurnya hampir lapan puluh tahun; ~ to, at only a short distance from, berhampiran dgn, dekat dgn: she sat ~ to me, dia duduk dekat dgn saya; they live ~ to the post office, mereka tinggal berhampiran dgn pejabat pos; ~ to home, hampir mengenai sasaran; ~ together, dekat-dekat: to stand ~ together, berdiri dekat-dekat; come ~ to, almost, hampir(-hampir): she came ~ to losing her job, dia hampir-hampir dibuang kerja; sail ~ to the wind, a. belayar menyongsong angin; b. (fig.) hampir melanggar tatasusila: he sails ~ to the wind in his criticism of the government, dia hampir melanggar tatasusila dlm kritikannya thdp kerajaan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
proprietyn (fml) 1. suitability, kesesuaian: I question the ~ of allowing the child to be present, saya mempersoalkan kesesuaian membenarkan budak itu hadir; 2. a. decorum, morals, kesopanan: she threw ~ to the winds and eloped with the man, dia mengetepikan kesopanan dan lari bersama lelaki itu; b. (in pl) accepted rules of correct behaviour, norma-norma susila, tatasusila: they are the sort of people who always observe the proprieties, mereka jenis orang yg selalu mematuhi norma-norma susila.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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