Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ter.ce.tus] | ترچتوس

Definisi : berlaku (terjadi, timbul) sesuatu keadaan (kejadian, peristiwa dsb): perkelahian itu ~ akibat perasaan dendam yg sudah lama terpendam; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ter.ce.tus] | ترچتوس

Definisi : timbul atau terjadi sesuatu keadaan: Persengketaan itu ~ kerana keangkuhan beberapa pihak. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata tercetus

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

manpandemonium broke out and it was every ~ for himself, huru-hara tercetus dan semua orang melepaskan diri masing-masing; he’s your ~, dialah orangnya: if you want an efficient officer, he’s your ~, kalau encik mahukan pegawai yg cekap,Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
warn 1. armed conflict, battle, peperangan, perang: ~ broke out between the two nations, peperangan tercetus antara dua negara itu; many lives were lost in the ~, banyak nyawa yg terkorban dlm peperangan itu; World W~ II, Perang Dunia II; 2. campaign or struggle against a particular thing, perang: the government is planning a ~ on drugs, kerajaan sedang merancang perang thdp najis dadah; perang menentang buta huruf belum berjaya lagi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
onsetn 1. beginning (esp of st unpleasant) bermula(nya); (of war etc) tercetus(nya): the ~ of winter, bermulanya musim sejuk; 2. first attack, (of illness) mula diserang; (of fever) mula: the ~ of a fever, mula demam; 3. (mil) assault, serangan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
offingn; in the ~, imminent, akan + approp v tdk lama lagi: there’s trouble in the ~, kekacauan akan tercetus tdk lama lagi; I’m sure there’s a wedding in the ~, saya pasti, mereka akan berkahwin tdk lama lagi. there’s trouble in the ~, kekacauan akan berlaku tdk lama lagi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
burst~ /on, upon/, [various translations]: the view ~ upon our sight, pemandangan itu tiba-tiba muncul pd penglihatan kami; the truth ~ upon him, kebenaran tercetus dlm fikirannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
stirring n [various translations]: he felt a little ~ of compunction, dia berasa agak menyesal; there was a slight ~ of interest when the topic was brought up, apabila perkara itu ditimbulkan, tercetus minat yg sedikit; ~ of revolt, kebangkitan pemberontakan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
culminatevi; ~ in, (reach the highest point or climax) memuncak dgn, mencapai puncaknya dgn; (end in), /berakhir, berkesudahan/ dgn: sporadic riots that ~d in civil war, rusuhan yg tercetus di sana sini yg memuncak dgn berlakunya perang saudara; all that hard work ~d in victory for the team, segala usaha yg gigih itu berakhir dgn kejayaan bagi pasukan tersebut;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flare~ up a. see vi (sense 1.); b. burst into a rage, naik /darah, berang, radang/: she ~s up at the slightest criticism, dia naik berang apabila dikritik walaupun sedikit; c. (of violence) i. suddenly break out, tercetus: trouble suddenly ~d as the demonstrators approached the presidential palace, kekacauan tiba-tiba tercetus apabila para penunjuk perasaan mendekati istana presiden; ii. increase, memarak: the dispute over water-ways ~d up into an international crisis, pertikaian ttg jalan air memarak menjadi krisis antarabangsa.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
burstvi 1. break open, apart, into pieces, etc, pecah: that bag is ~ing, beg itu hendak pecah; the dam ~ during the floods, empangan itu pecah semasa banjir; the pain will ease when the abscess ~s, kesakitan itu akan mereda setelah bisul itu pecah; the bubble ~ in the air, gelembung itu pecah di udara; 2. explode, meletup: one of the tyres ~, salah satu drpd tayar itu meletup; 3. also ~ open, (of leaf, flower bud) mengembang, memekar: in spring the flower buds ~ open, kudup-kudup bunga memekar dlm musim bunga; 4. also ~ out, come forth forcefully, tercetus keluar: the words ~ from his mouth, kata-kata itu tercetus keluar dr mulutnya; let o’s anger ~ out, melepaskan kemarahan sso;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
go~ against, a. oppose, menentang: we can’t ~ against their wishes, kita tdk boleh menentang kehendak mereka; b. run counter to, bertentangan: conceding defeat ~es against my principles, menyerah kalah adalah bertentangan dgn prinsip saya; c. have unsatisfactory outcome for, tdk dimenangi oleh: if the case ~es against the defendant, there might be a public outcry, kalau kes itu tdk dimenangi oleh defendan kemungkinan bantahan umum akan tercetus;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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