Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ter.lé] | ترلينتوق

Definisi : ter­kulai (ke bawah atau ke sisi), terkelepai (ke bawah), miring (kerana lemah dsb): api di hujung jamungnya juga melentok-lentok macam telinga arnab kegelian; Ahmad yg duduk terlentok di atas bangku mengeluh; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ter.lé] | ترلينتوق

Definisi : dlm keadaan melentok. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata terlentok

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

droopvi 1. incline, bend downwards, a. (gen) melentok, terlentok: his head ~ed in weariness, kepalanya terlentok krn keletihan; the feathers in his hat ~ed, bulu-bulu ayam di topinya terlentok; b. (of shoulders) turun, jatuh; c. (of eyes, eyelids) layu, kuyu, ruyup; d. (of mouth) menjebek; e. (of branch) melentur, meluyut; f. (of plant) melentur; g. (of flower) melentok, terlentok; 2. (of sun) ruyup; 3. languish, (kelihatan) layu; (of spirits) menjadi lemah: our spirits ~ed as we watched our players lose, semangat kami menjadi lemah apabila melihat pemain-pemain kami tewas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
droopn inclining, bending downwards, a. (gen) melentok, terlentok; b. (of shoulders) jatuh, turun: the ~ of his shoulders, bahunya yg jatuh; c. (of eyes, eyelids) kelayuan, kekuyuan; d. (of mouth) menjebek; e. (of branch) kelenturan, keluyutan; f. (of plant) kelenturan; g. (of flower) melentok, terlentok;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
sink 4. move, fall into a lower position, merebahkan /diri, badan/; (accidentally) jatuh; (of head) terlentok: he sank into an easy chair with a sigh of weariness, dia merebahkan dirinya ke kerusi malas sambil mengeluh kepenatan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lollvi 1. lounge in a lazy manner, bermalas-malas; (by leaning against st) bersandar malas: she ~ed back in her chair, enjoying the sea breeze, dia bersandar malas di kerusinya sambil menikmati angin laut; 2. allow to hang loosely, a. (of tongue) terjelir, terjulur; b. (of head) terlentok: his head ~ed sideways and he fell asleep, kepalanya terlentok dan dia tertidur;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
nodvi 1. bow head slightly and briefly, mengangguk; (repeatedly) mengangguk-angguk: he ~ded to me as he passed, sambil dia lalu, dia mengangguk kpd saya; he ~ded in agreement, dia mengangguk-angguk tanda bersetuju; 2. let head fall forward because of drowsiness, tersengguk-sengguk: the old lady was ~ding in her chair, perempuan tua itu tersengguk-sengguk di kerusinya; 3. bend, sway, terlentok-lentok: the breeze made the flowers ~, angin sepoi-sepoi membuat bunga-bunga terlentok-lentok;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
tossvi 1. move restlessly from side to side or up and down, a. (of person) berkalih badan: he did not sleep but ~ed and turned all night, dia tdk tidur, tetapi berkalih badan saja sepanjang malam; b. (of ship, boat) also ~ about, terlambung-lambung, terumbang-ambing: the boat was ~ing about in the waves, kapal itu terlambung-lambung dipukul ombak; c. (of sea) bergelora: the sea ~ed and heaved around the island, laut bergelora di sekeliling pulau itu; d. (of tree) terliang-liuk, terlentok-lentok: the trees that ~ed in the high wind, pokok-pokok yg terliang-liuk ditiup angin kuat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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