Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[] | ترتڠݢل

Definisi : bertanggal, bertarikh, diberi tang­­gal, dibubuh tanggal; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
tanggal (kata kerja)
Bersinonim dengan terlepas, lucut, gugur, luruh, terkelupas, tercabut, londeh, copot, menggelup;,
Kata Terbitan : menanggalkan, tertanggal,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

come~ off, a. become detached, tertanggal, tercabut; (of paint, lacquer, plaster, etc) tertanggal: the doorknob came off in my hand, tombol pintu itu tercabut apabila saya memegangnya; b. able to be removed, tanggal, hilang; (of st detachable) ditanggalkan: the stain did not ~ off, kesan kotor itu tdk mahu tanggal; does the lid of the washing machine ~ off?, bolehkah penutup mesin basuh itu ditanggalkan?; c. fall from, jatuh dr: he came off his bicycle and hurt his knees, dia jatuh dr basikalnya dan lututnya luka; d. (of event) take place, diadakan; (of wedding) berlangsung; (in negative construction) jadi: the match came off in spite of the rain, perlawanan itu diadakan walaupun hari hujan; their wedding never came off, mereka tdk jadi berkahwin;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
peel ~ off, a. come away, terkopek, tertanggal: the paper was ~ing off the wall, kertas itu terkopek dr dinding tersebut; b. ( aircraft, marches, etc ) melencong: a section of the parade ~s off and forms a guard of honour, sebahagian drpd kumpulan perbarisan itu melencong membentuk barisan kawalan kehormat; ~ st off, a. remove st, mengopek sst: he ~ed off part of the skin of the mandarin and took a piece, dia mengopek sebahagian drpd kulit limau mandarin itu dan mengambil seulas; b. take off clothing, menanggalkan sst: he was drenched to the skin and ~ed off several layers of wet clothing, dia basah kuyup lalu menanggalkan pakaian basahnya yg berlapis-lapis itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
come~ away, a. become detached, tercabut, tertanggal: he swung the pail and the handle came away in his hand, dia menghayun baldi itu dan tangkainya tercabut; b. leave (a place) meninggalkan tempat itu; (with a person) mengikut: we came away feeling that st was not quite right, kami meninggalkan tempat itu dgn perasaan ada sst yg tdk kena; I’m going to Pattaya this weekend. Why don’t you ~ away with me, saya akan ke Pattaya hujung minggu ini. Marilah ikut saya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
unstickvt (act.) menanggalkan; (pass.) tertanggal: she was trying to ~ the stamp from the envelope, dia sedang mencuba menanggalkan setem dr sampul surat itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
plastern 1. mixture of lime, water, sand, etc, lepa, plaster: the ~ was flaking off the walls, lepa itu telah tertanggal dr dinding tersebut; 2.adhesive bandage, plaster: a roll of sticking ~, segulung plaster yg melekat; 3. also plaster of Paris kapur Paris: the doctor encased the broken leg in ~,doktor menyimen kaki yg patah itu dgn kapur Paris;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
undoneadj1. unfastened, terbuka, terungkai: the clip came ~, and the earring fell off, klip itu terbuka dan subang itu pun tertanggal; your shoe-laces are ~, tali kasut kamu terungkai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
undoadj1. unfastened, terbuka, terungkai: the clip came ~, and the earring fell off, klip itu terbuka dan subang itu pun tertanggal; your shoe-laces are ~, tali kasut kamu terungkai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
saddlen 1. seat on back of horse, donkey, pelana: the ~ broke loose while he was riding the horse, pelana itu tertanggal ketika dia sedang menunggang kuda; 2. seat on a motorcycle, bicycle, etc, tempat duduk; 3. (geog) pelana;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
buttonn 1. disc or knot used to fasten garment, or as an ornament, butang: a ~ came off her dress, sebiji butang tertanggal dr bajunya; not worth a ~, tdk berguna sesen pun; 2. knob or disc pressed to operate a device or instrument, butang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
offprep 1. a. down from, dari: the picture fell ~ the wall, gambar itu terjatuh dari dinding; a button came ~ his shirt, butang tertanggal dari kemejanya; she got ~ the bus at High Street, dia turun dari bas di High Street; b. away from, from, dari; (person) daripada; (indic movement out of one place into another) keluar dr: the shot was well ~ the mark, tembakan itu terbabas dari sasaran;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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