Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : n (in sea) penyu; (in river) tuntung, labi-labi; turn ~, terbalik: the boat turned ~ during the storm, perahu itu terbalik dipukul ribut. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata turtle

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

turtlen (in sea) penyu; (in river) tuntung, labi-labi; turn ~, terbalik: the boat turned ~ during the storm, perahu itu terbalik dipukul ribut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
tortoise-shelln (of sea turtle) kulit penyu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
beakn 1. (of bird) paruh, cotok; 2. (of other animals) muncung: the ~ of the turtle, muncung penyu; 3. hooked nose, hidung cangkuk.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
mail 2n 1. armour, baju /besi, zirah/; chain ~, baju rantai; 2. protective shell of turtle etc, karapas, kulit.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
nervyn 1. (of birds, certain animals or insects) sarang: the birds built a ~ in the tree, burung-burung itu membuat sarang di atas pokok; a wasps’ ~, sarang tebuan; the turtle’s ~, sarang penyu; 2. snug, cosy home, rumah yg selesa: the couple made themselves a ~ high up in the hills, pasangan itu membina rumah yg selesa utk diri mereka, tinggi di atas bukit; 3. hiding-place for undesirable people, activities, sarang: the club was a ~ of crime and vice, kelab itu ialah sarang jenayah dan maksiat; a ~ of thieves, sarang penyamun; 4. set of objects fitting into one another, set, peranggu: a ~ of tables, seperanggu meja;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
shelln 1. hard outer covering, a. (of egg, nut seed) kulit; (of mollusc) kulit, cangkerang; b. (of coconut) tempurung; c. (of tortoise, turtle etc) kulit, karapas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
egg1n 1. reproductive body laid by females of birds etc, telur: chickens are hatched from ~s, anak ayam menetas drpd telur; lay an ~, lay ~s, bertelur: the turtle lays its ~s in the sand, penyu itu bertelur dlm pasir; 2. (as food) telur: hard-boiled ~, telur rebus keras; fresh ~s, telur baru; poached ~, telur rebus carak; >scrambled ~, telur masak hancur; soft-boiled ~, telur setengah masak; ~ custard, kastard telur; fried ~,telur mata /lembu, sapi/; 3. (biol) ovum, telur;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
phenomenon2. exceptional, unusual person, thing or occurrence, (approp n) yg luar biasa: this increase in production was considered something of a ~ at first, penambahan dlm pengeluaran ini dianggap sesuatu yg luar biasa pd mulanya; the white turtle is regarded as a ~, penyu putih dianggap sbg binatang yg luar biasa; a ~ at badminton, seorang yg luar biasa dlm arena badminton.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crawlvi 1. (of person) a. (move on hands and knees) merangkak: the baby is ~ing, bayi itu sedang merangkak; b. (move by dragging the body) merayap, menyusup: the wounded soldier ~ed through the long grass, askar yg cedera itu menyusup perlahan-lahan di celah-celah rumput yg panjang; 2. (of snake, worm) menjalar; 3. (of snail, turtle, insect) merayap: a spider ~ed up his arm, labah-labah merayap ke atas lengannya; 4. proceed slowly, merangkak: traffic ~ed along the congested highway, lalu lintas merangkak di sepanjang lebuh raya yg sesak; the hours seemed to ~ by, masa bagaikan merangkak; 5. be swarming with, dikerumuni: the meat is ~ing with maggots, daging itu dikerumuni berenga; 6. (swimming) berenang gaya rangkak;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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