Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : bahan yg spt krim, biasanya berwarna putih yg digunakan semasa menggosok gigi; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
ubat (kata nama)
Kata Terbitan : berubat, mengubat, mengubati, terubat, ubatan, pengubatan, pengubat,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

toothpasten ubat gigi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dentifricen ubat gigi, dentifris.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
tube2. soft metal container for paste etc, tiub: a ~ of toothpaste, setiub ubat gigi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
come8. be available, terdapat: shoes ~ in different sizes, kasut terdapat dlm saiz yg berbeza-beza; that blouse ~s in white only, blaus itu cuma terdapat dlm warna putih sahaja; toothpaste ~s in a tube, ubat gigi terdapat dlm bentuk tiub; 9. occur to the mind, [various translations]: the idea just came to me, saya baru mendapat idea itu; it suddenly came to her that she had been taken for a ride, dia tiba-tiba sedar bahawa dia telah ditipu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
squeeze 2. usu ~, out, extract out of st by pressing it,, memerah, memeras: the heavy rollers ~ the water from the clothes,, penggelek yg berat itu memerah air dr pakaian tersebut; the child had difficulty squeezing the toothpaste out,, kanak-kanak itu mendapati sukar utk memicit keluar ubat gigi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
sweet4. fresh, pure and clean, (of water) bersih; (of air) segar, nyaman, bersih; (of breath) berbau segar; (of milk) segar: a constant supply of ~ water from the spring, bekalan air bersih yg tetap dr mata air itu; the ~ mountain air is so refreshing, udara nyaman di pergunungan sungguh menyegarkan; the toothpaste whitens the teeth and keeps the breath ~, ubat gigi itu memutihkan gigi dan membuat nafas berbau segar; ~ milk, susu segar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
deadenvt 1. muffle, meredamkan, menyenyapkan: the wall ~ed the noise of the traffic, dinding itu meredamkan bunyi bising lalu lintas; 2. deprive of force, mengurangkan: thick padding will ~ the blows, lapik yg tebal boleh mengurangkan kesan pukulan; 3. deprive of intensity, vitality, a. (pain) menghilangkan, menghapuskan, melenyapkan: drugs given to ~ the pain, ubat yg diberikan utk menghilangkan rasa sakit; b. (perception, feeling) melalikan: to ~ feelings, melalikan perasaan; 4. deprive of life, mematikan: to ~ the nerves of a tooth, mematikan saraf gigi; 5. numb, melalikan, mengebaskan: the injection ~ed the gum, suntikan itu melalikan gusi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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