Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : ~ st up, improve painting, writing, etc by omitting small faults or adding details, memperkemas sst: the essay needs to be ~ed up, esei itu perlu diperkemas; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : ~ /on, upon/, treat briefly, menyentuh: there are still many points that have not been ~ed on as yet, masih ada banyak lagi perkara yg masih belum disentuh sehingga ini; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : ~ off, mencetuskan: it will only take a single spark to ~ off an explosion in the factory, hanya satu percikan bunga api sudah cukup utk mencetuskan letupan di kilang itu; his arrest ~ed off a riot, penangkapannya mencetuskan rusuhan; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : ~ down, (of aircraft) mendarat: the plane ~ed down at 7 p.m., kapal terbang itu mendarat pd pukul 7 malam; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : ~ wood, minta /disiahkan, jangan/: “You’ve never been in hospital?” “No, ~ wood”, “Kamu belum pernah masuk hospital?” “Belum, minta disiahkan”; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 13. reach a certain level etc, mencapai: the mercury crept upward until it ~ed 40o, raksa itu naik hingga mencapai 40o(Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 12. (colloq) persuade (so. ) to give money etc, mengecek: he was hoping to ~ me for $10, dia berharap hendak mengecek saya sebanyak $10; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 11. give a delicate tint, expression to, menyerlah(kan): a smile ~ed his lips, sebuah senyuman menyerlah di bibirnya; the setting sun ~ed the snow-capped peak with pink, sinaran matahari yg hendak terbenam menyerlahkan cahaya samar pd puncak yg dilitupi salji; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 10. (usu in negative sentences) equal, menyamai, menandingi: this piece is excellent, but it can’t ~ the one in the British Museum, barang ini memang baik, tetapi tdk dapat menandingi barang yg ada di Muzium British; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 9. rouse painful or angry feelings in, /membangkitkan, menimbulkan/ kemarahan, menyakitkan hati: the remark obviously ~ed him on a sore spot, teguran itu jelas menyakitkan hatinya; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 8. affect with tender feelings, mengharukan [sso], membuat [hati] terharu: his sad story ~ed me deeply, kisah sedihnya benar-benar mengharukan saya; their tears ~ed his heart, tangisan mereka membuat hatinya terharu; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 7. injure slightly, (act.) menjejaskan; (pass.) terjejas: the crops were not ~ed by the frost, tanaman itu tdk terjejas oleh fros; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 6. (usu in negative) attack or hit in any way, memukul: I never ~ed the child, saya tdk pernah memukul budak itu; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 5. a. partake of, menyentuh: the child must be ill, he hardly ~ed his dinner, budak itu tentu sakit, dia langsung tdk menyentuh makan malamnya; he never ~es alcohol nowadays, pd masa sekarang, dia tdk sentuh lagi minuman keras; b. make use of etc, (usu in negative sentences), [various translations]: I haven’t ~ed the piano for years now, sekarang ini sudah bertahun-tahun saya tdk bermain piano; the children cannot ~ the capital until they turn twenty-five, budak-budak itu tdk boleh mengambil modal itu sehinggalah mereka mencapai umur dua puluh lima tahun; she has never even ~ed a broom, dia langsung tdk pernah menggunakan penyapu; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 4. affect, menyentuh: the law as it stands cannot ~ him, undang-undang spt yg sedia ada tdk boleh menyentuhnya; I’m interested in any proposal that ~es the welfare of my family, saya berminat dgn sebarang cadangan yg menyentuh kebajikan keluarga saya; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 3. handle, mengusik: don’t ~ anything until the police come, jangan usik apa-apa sehingga polis datang; nothing in his room has been ~ed since he died, sejak dia meninggal dunia, tdk ada apa-apa barang dlm biliknya yg diusik; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 2. feel, tap, strike esp with hand, menyentuh: I can just ~ it if I stand on tip-toe, saya akan dapat menyentuhnya jika saya berjengket; she ~ed me on the arm beckoning me to follow, dia menyentuh tangan saya sbg isyarat supaya saya mengikutnya; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : vt1. be, come into contact with, menyentuh: the tree had to be lopped because it was ~ing the overhead wires, pokok itu terpaksa dicantas krn hujungnya sudah menyentuh wayar-wayar sebelah atas; at the point where the curve of the graph ~es the line, pd takat kelok graf itu menyentuh garisan; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 2. dock or stop briefly, berlabuh: the ship ~ed at Singapore, but only for a few hours, kapal itu berlabuh di Singapura tetapi utk beberapa jam saja; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : vi 1. be, come into contact, bersentuhan: their hands ~ed, tangan mereka bersentuhan; they peered at the book, their heads almost ~ing, mereka menjengahkan kepala utk membaca buku itu hingga menyebabkan kepala mereka hampir bersentuhan; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : put so. in ~ with so. else, memperhubungkan sso dgn sso yg lain: I will put you in ~ with the principal, saya akan memperhubungkan kamu dgn pengetua; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : be out of ~ with st, tdk mengikuti sst: he is out of ~ with the latest developments in the industry, dia sudah tdk mengikuti perkembangan-perkembangan mutakhir yg berlaku dlm industri itu; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : lose ~ (with so., st), terputus hubungan (dgn /sso, sst/): we don’t want to lose ~, kami tdk mahu terputus hubungan; because of the damage to the radio, the unit lost ~ with headquarters, krn ada kerosakan pd radio, unit itu terputus hubungan dgn ibu pejabat; be out of ~ with so., tdk berhubung dgn sso: I’ve been out of ~ with them for many years now, sudah bertahun-tahun saya tdk berhubung dengannya lagi; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : lose o’s ~, [various translations]: he used to be a great advocate but as he gets older he loses his ~, dulu dia seorang peguam bela yg handal tetapi apabila semakin tua dia hilang taringnya; I used to make light and fluffy sponge cakes, but this one is a real disaster. I must be losing my ~, selalunya saya boleh membuat kek span yg lembut dan ringan, tetapi yg ini memang teruk. Agaknya tangan saya sudah berat; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : kick ball /into, out of/ ~, (football, rugby) menyepak bola ke dlm kawasan luar permainan; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : /be, keep/ in ~ (with st), mengikuti sst: I’ll make it a point to be in ~ with what is going on at home, saya akan memastikan supaya saya dapat mengikuti segala perkembangan yg berlaku di tanah air; he kept in ~ with recent developments in the subject, dia mengikuti segala perkembangan mutakhir yg berlaku dlm bidang itu; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : /be, keep/ in ~ (with so.), berhubung (dgn sso): he still keeps in ~ with many of his school friends, dia masih lagi berhubung dgn ramai kawan sekolahnya; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : get in ~ (with so.), menghubungi sso: I shall get in ~ with you as soon as I arrive, saya akan menghubungi kamu sebaik saja saya sampai; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : a ~, sedikit: she drove the car a ~ too fast, dia memandu kereta itu laju sedikit; it’s a ~ cooler today, hari ini panas sedikit; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 6. small amount or degree, trace, sedikit: black hair with just a ~ of grey, rambut hitam yg sudah beruban sedikit: there was a ~ of malice in his answer, ada sedikit niat jahat dlm jawapannya; a sauce with just a ~ of garlic in the flavour, sos yg ada rasa bawang putih sedikit; I think he has a ~ of fever, saya fikir dia demam sedikit; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 5. distinctive or characteristic manner, cara, gaya: he writes with a sure ~, dia menulis dgn cara yg penuh kepastian; the work exhibits the ~ of a master, karya itu memaparkan gaya karya seorang penulis agung; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 4. an effective and appropriate detail, pengemasan: he is putting the finishing ~es to his novel, dia sedang membuat pengemasan terakhir pd novelnya; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 3. feel, rasa: the velvety ~ of the petal, rasa kelopak bunga yg spt baldu; the soothing ~ of warm water, rasa air panas yg menyegarkan; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : to the ~, terasa: the material is soft to the ~, kain itu terasa lembut; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 2. (act of) tactile perception, sentuh: blind people have a highly developed sense of ~, deria sentuh orang buta tersangat baik; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : give /so., st/ a ~, menyentuh /sso, sst/; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : at /a, the/ ~ (of), apabila disentuh: the machine starts at a ~ of the button, mesin itu bergerak apabila disentuh butangnya; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : n 1. slight contact, sentuhan: I felt a ~ on my arm, saya terasa sentuhan di lengan saya; he signalled his approval with a ~ on his friend’s back, dia menyatakan persetujuannya dgn sentuhan pd belakang kawannya; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : ~ so. up, (sl) touch so. in an improper or sexually suggestive way, meraba sso: the typist complained that a man in the lift had ~ed her up, jurutaip itu mengadu bahawa seorang lelaki telah merabanya dlm lif; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
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